FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

United Nations in Brussels participates in EU Green Week 2024


The EU Green Week 2024, organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, took place in Brussels from 29 to 30 May, with a focus on what is needed to make the EU more water resilient. 

Under the motto "Towards a Water-Resilient Europe", this year’s edition of the event was part of #WaterWIseEU, a campaign to stimulate an EU-wide conversation around water today and in the future.  

The event featured discussions on fostering a water-smart economy, restoring disrupted water cycles, ensuring access to clean and affordable water, and enhancing international water cooperation. 

A number of UN agencies showcased their water-related activities at a joint stand. 

The Brussels offices of FAO, UNDP, UNDRR, UNIDO, UNEP, UNESCO and UN Human Rights presented interactive elements, including quizzes and audiovisual materials, displaying successful water projects. 

FAO showed videos and publications that the Organization had produced on water-related issues while highlighting the critical role of water in food production and related environmental sustainability.  

Emphasis was given to the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) which brings together key players from different sectors to tackle the collective challenge of better using water in agriculture to ensure food security for all. 

To learn more about FAO’s work related to water, click here.