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Виртуальное мероприятие, 18/09/2024

As part of the International Year of Camelids and in recognition of the hard work of breeders in often extreme conditions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is delighted to present a series of webinars dedicated to dromedary camels.

This webinar series aims to raise awareness among public and private professionals and farmers on the importance of dromeda...

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La Paz (Bolivia), 16/09/2024 - 17/09/2024

La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas proclamó el año 2024 como el Año Internacional de los Camélidos. Esta iniciativa busca resaltar la importancia de los camélidos, abarcando dimensiones culturales, económicas, ecológicas y sociales.  

En este contexto es que la Organización de las Naciones Unidas...

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Ondores (Peru), 13/09/2024 - 14/09/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and she...

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Виртуальное мероприятие, 03/09/2024

As part of the International Year of Camelids and in recognition of the hard work of breeders in often extreme conditions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is delighted to present a series of webinars dedicated to dromedary camels.

This webinar series aims to raise awareness among public and private professionals and farmers on the importance of dromeda...

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Florence (Italy), 31/08/2024

The Camelid Working Group (WG) of the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP) organized its 1st camelid workshop at the 70th Annual Meeting in Ghent, Belgium. Within the framework of the International Year of Camelids, the WG organized a 2nd camelid workshop at the 75th EAAP Annual Meeting in Florence, Italy. The workshop was titled "Production potential and adaptation of camelid sp...

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Виртуальное мероприятие, 23/08/2024

As part of the International Year of Camelids and in recognition of the hard work of breeders in often extreme conditions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is delighted to present a series of webinars dedicated to dromedary camels.

This webinar series aims to raise awareness among public and private professionals and farmers on the importance of dromed...

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Arequipa (Peru), 23/08/2024 - 24/08/2024

Within the framework of the International Year of Camelids 2024, it is of utmost importance to recognize the importance of the Peruvian subspecies of guanaco (Lama guanicoe cacsilensis), given the current categorization of its populations as a “critically endangered” species, in accordance with the Supreme Decree No. 004-2014-MINAGRI.

The importance of the guanaco is based on a set o...

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Виртуальное мероприятие, 22/08/2024

As part of the International Year of Camelids and in recognition of the hard work of breeders in often extreme conditions, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is delighted to present a series of webinars dedicated to dromedary camels.

This webinar series aims to raise awareness among public and private professionals and farmers on the importance of dromed...

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Santa Catalina (Argentina), 20/08/2024 - 21/08/2024

On August 20th and 21st, the research group VICAM in collaboration with the Indigenous Community Council of Santa Catalina organized different activities for children to celebrate the International Year of Camelids at the primary and secondary schools in Santa Catalina. In the context of this project, VICAM held a meeting with the Comm...

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Macusani (Peru), Гибридное мероприятие, 18/08/2024 - 19/08/2024

El “I Seminario Internacional de Producción Sostenible de Camélidos Sudamericanos” se celebra durante el 18 y 19 de agosto en la ciudad de Macusani de la provincia de Carabaya en la región del Puno (Perú). Esta actividad se desarrolla como parte de la “XXIX Feria Nacional de Camélidos Sudamericanos, Agropecuario y Artesanal – Macusani” y en conmemoración del “Año Internacional de los Camélid...

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Puno (Peru), 17/08/2024 - 24/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Julio E. Barreda Aragón” fairground in the district of Macusani, province of Carabaya, in the department of Puno. Through this event, the participation of alpaca and llama breeders is promoted at the local, regional and national level, providing them with a means to publicize their products and services. Likewise, it...

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Altay Prefecture (China), 16/08/2024

FAO China Office and the People’s Government of Fuhai County will co-host the International Year of Camelids (IYC) Celebration in Fuhai County of China on 16 August 2024, with the theme of “Heroes of Deserts for Rural Revitalization”.

With unique geographical and climate conditions especially suitable for camel breeding, Fuhai County has become one of the main bases for camel breeding...

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Cusco (Peru), 07/08/2024

Fair of regional and national importance that takes place in August at the “Señor de Pampacucho” fairground in the district of Sicuani, province of Canchis, in the department of Cusco. This year it joins the activities of the International Year of Camelids and takes on greater relevance as it is its 50th Anniversary. Through this event, the participation of alpaca and llama breeders is...

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Cusco (Peru), 01/08/2024 - 04/08/2024

Event led by the Regional Government of Cusco, which seeks to promote and enhance the development of the value chains of South American camelids to improve the livelihoods of high Andean breeders. It will be held from 1-4 August 2024, in the “Jardín de la Cerveza Cusqueña” located in the historic center of the city of Cusco. The event will cover the following themes:

1) advances in th...

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Arequipa (Peru), 01/08/2024

El 1 de agosto en Perú, como cada año, se conmemora el Día Nacional de la Alpaca, según lo establecido por el Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego Agricultura a través de la Resolución Ministerial Nº 429-2012-AG, con el fin de revalorar su crianza, destacar su contribución a la economía familiar del poblador andino y su aporte a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional. En ese contexto, la...

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Cusco (Peru), 01/08/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and she...

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Puno (Peru), 31/07/2024 - 01/08/2024

Mediante Resolución Ministerial N° 429-2012-A – MIDAGRI, en el Perú, el 1 de agosto de cada año se celebra el “Día Nacional de la Alpaca”, con el propósito de revalorizar su crianza, destacar su contribución a la economía familiar del poblador altoandino y su aporte a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional. En ese contexto, el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria INIA-Proyecto PROGAN y l...

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Huancavelica (Peru), 20/07/2024 - 21/07/2024

Chaccu is an ancestral activity inherited from the Inca empire that consists of herding, capturing live vicuñas with the aim of extracting their fine fiber and finally releasing them, without altering their population, behavior and reproduction capacity. This activity allows for the supervised shearing of live vicuñas.

To this end, the regional governments supervise the capture and sh...

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Tipaza (Algeria), Гибридное мероприятие, 15/07/2024

Le 15 juillet 2024, l'équipe Lait et Dérivés du Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Analyses Physico-Chimiques (CRAPC) a organisé une journée scientifique intitulée "Le Lait de Chamelle: Résilience, Durabilité et Sécurité Alimentaire". Cet événement a rassemblé des chercheurs, des experts de l'industrie, des représentants des organismes étatiques et des éleveurs pour discuter du...

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Lima (Peru), 10/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

The III International Seminar on Sustainable Production of South American Camelids: Securing Biodiversity will be held from July 10th to 12th on the campus of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru.

The objective is to strengthen the capacity of researchers, technicians and breeders in the sustainability of diversity and breeding of South American camelids. This event w...