Arequipa (Peru)
En el marco de la celebración por el Año Internacional de los Camélidos, el Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria INIA-Proyecto PROGAN y la Escuela...
The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization and the University of Nairobi are organizing a webinar under the theme: “Heroes of the...
混合事件, Puno (Peru)
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 0458-2017-MINAGRI, November 15 of each year is the “National Vicuña Day”, with the purpose of revaluing this wildlife...
Yanacancha (Peru)
El “VII Congreso Nacional de Criadores de Camélidos Domésticos del Perú – Pasco 2024” tiene un enfoque técnico y buscará...
混合事件, (Algeria)
The Higher National Veterinary School Rabie Bouchama is organizing its 16th International Veterinary Science Days (16 JISV), under the theme “Camel Breeding:...
Saly (Senegal)
The side event on the International Year of Camelids (IYC) was held on the first day of the conference “(Agro)pastoralism in Africa: Current Dynamics...
Sohar (Oman)
"Camels: Heritage and Sustainability" celebrated the historical and economic role of camels in Oman and highlighted the importance of preserving...
Arequipa (Peru)
The event will convene actors in the meat value chain of domestic South American camelids (alpaca and llama) to evaluate the progress and limitations...
Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)
On the occasion of the International Year of Camelids, a unique photo exhibition was opened at the office of the FAO Representation in Kyrgyzstan....
混合事件, Kuwait City (Kuwait)
Despite its profound cultural and economic significance, camel rearing is confronted with several challenges in many regions around the world....