
Translations of the 2014 HLPE Summaries and Recommendations are now available in the 6 languages!


The summaries and recommendations, extracted from the upcoming HLPE Reports are now available in English.


In his speech to FAO, the UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki-Moon had a word of praise for the HLPE


The HLPE is pleased to announce that the official launch of its new report Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture for food security and nutrition, will take place Friday 13 June 2014 in FAO HQ (Green room).


Proceedings of the eConsultation on the Scope of the HLPE study on Water are now available.


HLPE Project Team on Water and food security has now been appointed!


21 Jan -28 Feb 2014: Open electronic consultation on the scope of the HLPE study on Water and Food Security.


16 Jan - 15 Mar 2014: The HLPE launches an open inquiry on Critical and Emerging Issues in the area of food security and nutrition


The HLPE launches an inquiry on critical and emerging issues in the area of food security and nutrition.


The HLPE lauches an open electronic consultation on the Draft V0 of it current study: Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems!


The HLPE lauches an open electronic consultation on the Draft V0 of it current study: The Role of Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition!


The UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in its 40th Session (October 2013) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), to undertake a study on: Water and food security.

The HLPE is now launching a Call for Experts


The HLPE launches its latest reports #5 and #6 in FAO


The 2013 HLPE reports Biofuels and food security and Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security are now available!


The second HLPE report is finally available!


The first HLPE report is out!