
The rethinking of food and agriculture and the necessary sector transformations we need moving forward must take into consideration the implementation of the closely interlinked climate change and biodiversity outcomes from COP27 and COP15, respectively. 
The high seas comprise nearly two-thirds of the world's ocean and are filled with a variety of fish species, which are essential for the ocean's biodiversity. They are part of flourishing ecosystems that regulate our climate, provide vital habitats for hundreds of thousands of species and support...
Conserving plant diversity in wild habitats is important for enhanced food security and nutrition now and in the future. Wild food plants constitute important components of the diets of many people across the globe, and are rich sources of vital micronutrients. Crop wild relatives, i.e. wild...
Deux systèmes agricoles et agroforestiers riches en biodiversité, ou «chakras», situés en Équateur (l’un dans les Andes, l’autre dans la région amazonienne du pays) viennent d’être reconnus comme Systèmes ingénieux du patrimoine agricole mondial (SIPAM) par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l...
L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a souligné aujourd’hui à quel point il était crucial de mettre en place des mesures concrètes pour accroître l’accès à une alimentation saine en transformant les systèmes agroalimentaires pour les rendre plus résilients, ...
À sa dernière session, la Commission des ressources génétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture («la Commission») a débattu de la réorganisation éventuelle de ses activités intersessions.
Elle a chargé son Bureau de mener des consultations informelles à participation non limité...
Lors de sa prochaine session, la Commission des ressources génétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture examinera le rôle que joue l’«information de séquençage numérique» dans la conservation et l’utilisation durable des ressources génétiques pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (RGAA) et le p...
The final chapters are much more detailed, with many new examples from around the world. The final chapters also provide a range of valuable additional evidence and policy options in advance of the many major global environmental negotiations this year, including COP 27 of the Climate Convention ...
FAO is developing a range of resources to support its Members to enhance the management of their aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) including the Aquatic Genetic Resources Information System (AquaGRIS), the first g...
A Special Session on “Biodiversity mainstreaming in forestry” will be held as part of the 8th World Forest Week (8WFW) at the margins of the 26th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO26).
The Meetings will now take place from 7 to 19 December 2022 at the seat of the Secretariat, in Montreal, Canada
This side event will highlight how implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework can accelerate the realization of the SDGs in an inclusive manner. By underscoring the shared recognition of the urgent need for action on nature, this event will help build political momentum for the...
The researchers at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology are conducting a study on the “sustainable use and conservation of soil microorganisms and invertebrates used for bioremediation and nutrient cycling” in agriculture. In order to obtain a comprehensive view on the state-of-the-art as wel...
FAO has just released three Practical guides for the application of the Genebank Standards for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture:
After close consultation among the Government of China as COP President, the Bureau, the Secretariat and the Government of Canada as host of the Secretariat, it has been decided that the second part of the Meetings will take place at the seat of the Secretariat, in Montreal, Canada from 5 to 17 D...
The two Thematic Strategies will guide FAO’s work in these areas until 2031. The Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has endorsed two thematic strategies that will guide FAO’s work on climate change and on science, technology and innovation over the next d...

As aquatic food plays an ever greater role in feeding the world's population, there is growing recognition that more action is needed to protect aquatic resources and fragile ecosystems.

FAO has developed AquaGRIS<...


The world’s food security depends on biodiversity: from domesticated crop varieties and livestock breeds, to wild species such as bees and earthworms that live in and around production systems, to whole ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, seagrass beds and coral reefs. However, much of thi...

Investment in innovation and outreach vital to promote plant health, FAO Director-General says
Forest pathways for green recovery and building inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies