Climate Change


Sahel communities equipped to weather climate change

FAO targets local resilience-building solutions for climate-driven challenges

New UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration offers unparalleled opportunity for job creation, food security and addressing climate change

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2021–2030 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Climate action: moving forward after COP24

Delegates at COP24 in Poland reach another key agreement, the ‘Katowice Climate Package’

The biodiversity that is crucial for our food and agriculture is disappearing by the day

FAO launches the first-ever global report on the state of biodiversity that underpins our food systems

Africa Center for Climate and Sustainable Development inaugurated in Rome

Initiated by Italy with FAO and UNDP support, the center has a special focus on Climate Smart Agriculture, access to water, rural women and youth

FAO and University of Chile will promote sustainable development in the agri-food sector

New agreement will foster knowledge-sharing and technology transfer to address climate change and food security

5 climate actions we can all take for a #ZeroHunger World

We can be the #ZeroHunger generation