

Report of the First Session of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management, Virtual Meeting, 15−18 January 2024

The First Session of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) was held virtually from 15 to 18 January 2024. It was attended by 95 Members of COFI, plus one Member Organization, three specialized agencies of the United Nations, observers from 14 other FAO Member Nations and 45 observers from intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations. The Sub-Committee stressed the importance of fisheries in ending poverty, hunger and malnutrition, and emphasized the need for effective fisheries management to ensure the sustainability of fisheries.


COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/1/Rev.1暂定时间表(Ar, En, Es, Fr, Ru)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/2暂定文件清单(Ar, En, Es, Fr, Ru)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/4渔业委员会第三十五届会议报告。2022年9月5–9日,罗马 – 附录 G 渔业管理分委员会职责范围 (Ar, En, Es, Fr, Ru)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/5渔业管理做法:《负责任渔业行为守则》调查问卷全球分析(En, Es, Fr)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/6小规模渔业管理:挑战与机遇(En, Es, Fr)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/7内陆渔业:促进渔业与水资源综合管理取得积极成果(En, Es, Fr)
COFI:FM/I/2024/INF/8其他有效的区域化保护措施(En, Es, Fr)
*For Information Documents automatic translations in Spanish and French are provided for Members' reference. FAO does not guarantee the accuracy of the translations, so please always refer to the English version.