اللجنة الفرعية المختصة بإدارة مصايد الأسماك

Timetable and webcast

Morning – 09.00-11.30 h (CET) (webcast)

1. Procedures of the Session

1.1. Opening of the Session

1.2. Statement by the Director-General

1.3. Arrangements for the Session

1.4. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable (COFI:FM/I/2024/1/Rev.1, COFI:FM/I/2024/INF.1/Rev.1 and COFI:FM/I/2023/INF.2)

1.6. Designation of Members of the Drafting Committee

2. Current fisheries management practices with special considerations for small-scale fisheries (for information and discussion) (COFI:FM/I/2024/2, COFI:FM/I/2024/INF.5, COFI:FM/I/2024/INF.6, and COFI:FM/I/2023/INF.7, COFI:FM/I/2024/SBD/1) | Download presentation


Midday – 12.30 -14.00 h (CET) (webcast)

Voting procedure – 1.5. Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the First and Second Sessions of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management


Afternoon – 14.00-16.30 h (CET) (webcast)

2. Continuation

Morning – 09.00-11.30 h (CET) (webcast)

2. Continuation 

3. Addressing illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in the context of effective fisheries management (COFI:FM/I/2024/3) | Download presentation


Afternoon – 14.00-16.30 h (CET) (webcast)

3. Continuation

Morning – 09.00-11.30 h (CET) (webcast)

4. Mainstreaming biodiversity in fisheries management in the context of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (for information and discussion) (COFI:FM/I/2023/4, COFI:FM/I/2023/INF.8) | Download presentation


Afternoon – 14.00-16.30 h (CET) (webcast)

 4. Continuation 

 5. Climate resilient fisheries (COFI:FM/I/2023/5) | Download presentation 

Morning – 09.00-11.30 h (CET) (webcast)

5. Continuation 

6. Methodological updates in the FAO assessment of the State of the World’s Fishery Resources (WCP) (COFI:FM/I/2023/6) 

7. Other matters 

7.1. Election of the Bureau Members 

7.2. Arrangements for the 2nd Session of COFI:FM 

7.3. Any other business 


Afternoon – 17.30-20.00 h (CET) (webcast)

8. Adoption of the Report