Collaborative Partnership on Forests

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Harmonizing efforts for forest action by 2030: Strengthening the Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Thursday 9 May 2024  1:15-2:30pm EDT
Conference Room 4, UN Headquarters, New York 

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is a voluntary partnership among 16 leading international organizations with substantial programmes on forests with the objectives of supporting the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) and its Members, and enhancing cooperation and coordination on forest issues.

Through the implementation of Joint Initiatives amongst the partners and other joint activities, the CPF member organizations work to strengthen collaboration within and beyond the Partnership and mobilize political, scientific, technical and financial support towards the achievement of the SDGs, the Global Forest Goals and other global goals and objectives related to forests.

On 18 September 2023, the CPF held the high-level event “Forests for our Future” on the margins of the 2023 SDG Summit at UNHQ, New York. The event featured two high-level interactive roundtables with the participation of ministers, heads and other senior representatives of government and the CPF member organizations that outlined how countries and organizations implemented coordinated forest-based actions to accelerate progress towards global goals and targets by 2030.

During the high-level event, the Partnership launched a “ CPF Joint Call to Action for Forests Towards 2030”. Its purpose is to serve as a clarion call for heightened commitment, political will, and concerted efforts to fortify forest-based solutions and tap into the potential of forests to achieve the SDGs and the GFGs by 2030 with a focus on four focal areas: implementation and action; data, science, and innovation; finance for forests; and communication and awareness-raising.

Following the launch of the CPF Joint Call to Action, the CPF members are spearheading efforts to implement the call, and raise the visibility on forests and support Member States to sustainably manage their forests, through the development of new Joint Initiatives and preparing to assess the ongoing Joint Initiatives.

At UNFF19, UNFF will convene a High-level Segment with the participation of Ministers and other senior officials from its Members, CPF member organizations, partners and stakeholders, and undertake the midterm review of the effectiveness of the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) in achieving its objectives, including those related to the CPF. In preparation for the midterm review, the CPF held its Organization-led Initiative in February 2023 and contributed to the discussions of the meeting of the Ad-hoc Expert Group on the preparations for the IAF midterm review in October 2023.

As the UNFF decides on the future direction of the IAF at UNFF19, it is critically important for the CPF and its member organizations to prepare to take up/support the implementation of the UNFF decision, including with the development of a strategic, relevant and innovative CPF workplan for 2025-2028. 

Objective of the event

The main objectives of the event are to provide an opportunity for dialogue and exchange with the UNFF Members to consider the future work of the CPF, and pathways to strengthen CPF activities to best support Members’ efforts in scaling up their actions to accelerate progress towards the Global Forest Goals and other forest-related goals and objectives.

The event will also provide a platform for UNFF Members, major groups, partners, and other stakeholders to reflect on their engagement, contribution and collaboration in the four focal areas of the CPF Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030: implementation and action; data, science, and innovation; finance for forests; and communication and awareness-raising.

The speakers of the event will address the following guiding questions:

  • What does your organization/country expect as the main outcomes of the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests related to the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, and how could the CPF address these outcomes in a strategic and innovative manner?
  • What are the opportunities for financing to support the implementation of the UNSPF, the Paris Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Land Degradation Neutrality targets, CITES Decisions, and other global goals and objectives relevant to forests?
  • What is your organization/country’s next steps to strengthen the implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests and its Global Forest Goals, and addressing other pressing global challenges, and how could the CPF and Member States be part of these solutions?

Expected Outcomes

  • Identifying ideas and guidance from UNFF Members on the future work of the CPF, in the in view of developing the new CPF work plan for 2025-2028.
  • Strengthened the collaboration and exchange among CPF member organizations and UNFF Members.
  • Reinforce the CPF Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030, a vehicle to bring much-needed attention to the forefront of achieving the Global Forest Goals and to the contribution of forest conservation, restoration and sustainable use for achieving the SDGs.
  • Heightened global collaboration and knowledge-sharing to accelerate implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests.
  • Inform policy decisions through in-depth presentations and discussions.


    Opening remarks

    Dr Zhimin Wu
    Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests and Director, Forestry Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


    Mr Minoru Takada
    Deputy Director
    United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat


    Moderator: Ms Ivonne Higuero
    Vice-Chair of the CPF and Secretary-General, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

    Ivonne Higuero
    High-level panel

    H.E. Samuel Abu Jinapor
    Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Ghana

    Samuel Abu Jinapor

    Ms Claudia Müller
    Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry for Food and Agriculture, Germany

    Claudia Müller

    Mr Garo Batmanian
    Director General of the Forestry Agency, Brazil

    Garo Batmanian
    Collaborative Partnership on Forests heads of agencies and representatives

    Mr Christian Peter
    Practice Manager, Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy, World Bank


    Mr Robert Nasi
    Director General of CIFOR and Chief Operating Officer


    Ms Sheam Satkuru
    Executive Director
    International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)  


    Dr John Parrotta
    International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)


    Ms Jamal Annagylyjova
    Forestry Biodiversity Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)


    Mr Pascal Martinez
    Climate change specialist
    Global Environment Facility (GEF)


    Mr Tim Scott
    Senior Policy Advisor, Nature Hub, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP


    Ms Malgorzata BuszkoBriggs
    Secretary of the Committee on Forestry and Senior Forestry Officer, FAO


    Mr Sasha Alexander
    Policy Officer, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Secretariat
