Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Beyond Carbon- Realizing Untapped Potential of Forests to  Combat Climate Change

Climate Action Showcase

Beyond carbon - realizing untapped potential of forests to combat climate change

Saturday 9 December 2023, 3:15-4:00pm GMT+4
UNEP Pavilion, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

From lowering temperatures to providing renewable materials, livelihoods and employment, the world’s forests play a larger role than just cutting carbon emissions to combat climate change. Despite enormous untapped potential that all types of forests hold, much of attention in climate policy, including climate finance, has to date focused on potential of forests in carbon storage and removal, particularly in the tropics.

The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), comprising 16 international organizations, recently unveiled its Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030 at the 2023 SDG Summit and Climate Action Week in New York. This event “Forests for our Future” showcased the indispensable role forests play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the urgent need to unlock the full potential of forests and expedite progress toward global targets, especially the crucial Global Forest Goals (GFGs).

The Joint Call to Action serves as a clarion call for heightened commitment, political will, and concerted efforts to fortify forest-based solutions to untap the potential of forests.


This event will provide an opportunity for the participating CPF members to share their best practices and case studies on capturing full values of forests, productive functions of forests and potential of renewable materials and green jobs.


The event will be held at the UNEP Pavilion at UNFCCC COP28.

Following the opening remarks and the keynote address, representatives of participating CPF member organizations will address the event as panelists in response to the following guiding questions:

  • What are the concrete pathways for CPF members to realize full values of forests beyond carbon in the four focal areas of the CPF Joint Call to Action for Forests towards 2030 (Implementation and Action; Data, Science and Innovation; Finance for Forests; and Communication and Awareness-raising)?
  • What is your organization’s next step to implement the CPF Joint Call to Action?