Collaborative Partnership on Forests

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Preparations for the Midterm Review of the International Arrangement on Forests

An Organization-Led Initiative on the Assessment of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests

22-23 February 2023, FAO headquarters, Rome and hybrid
Co-Chairs' summary report

Read the Co-Chairs' summary report of the meeting.


In its resolution 2015/33, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) strengthened the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF) and extended its mandate to 2030. The Council further requested the Forum to undertake a midterm, and final review of the effectiveness of the IAF in achieving its objectives in 2024, and 2030.

In accordance with the programme of work of the Forum for 2021-2024, the seventeenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF17), which took place in May 2022, considered, and decided the actions to be taken in preparation for the IAF midterm review in 2024 (ECOSOC Resolution 2022/171). These actions are contained in ten sections in annex to ECOSOC resolution 2022/17, which include Section C: Actions related to the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). In response to paragraph C.6 of annex of ECOSOC resolution 2022/17, the UNFF Secretariat and FAO recruited two consultants to conduct an assessment on actions contained in Section C.

In accordance with paragraph C.6 of annex of ECOSOC resolution 2022/17, the results of this assessment should be presented at the CPF Organization-Led Initiative (OLI) for discussion, with a view to making proposals regarding the Partnership to the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the preparations for the midterm review of the IAF, referred to in paragraph 30 of the above-mentioned resolution. In response, the UNFFS and FAO, in collaboration with other CPF member organization are planning to jointly organize the CPF -OLI from 22 to 23 February 2023 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.


The objective of the OLI is to provide an opportunity for experts from Members of the Forum, CPF and its members, regional and subregional partners, and major groups to review and discuss the result of the work of the consultants, namely their assessment report on Section C, and provide any input, as relevant, within the mandate of ECOSOC resolution 2022/17.

Format and the expected outcome

The meeting will be conducted in English with interpretation in French and Spanish. The meeting will be co-chaired by two Co-Chairs to be elected by the experts. The outcome of the OLI will be a concise Co-Chairs’ summary of the discussions, which will be presented to the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group on the preparations for the midterm review of the IAF.

Agenda and background documentation

Find the full agenda and details on participation, registration and travel support in the concept note.