Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Ready for action: CPF releases 2021-2024 work plan


27 April 2021, Rome – The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), a group of 15 international organizations whose work centers on the world’s forests, today published a new work plan for 2021 to 2024.

The work plan highlights the CPF’s planned actions to support the Global Forest Goals and to promote forests’ contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international agreements and processes.

Available both in summary and in full, the plan outlines a series of joint initiatives, including reporting progress on Global Forest Goals, strengthening sustainable value chains, facilitating and supporting green finance and landscape restoration, and recognizing the work of forest champions around the world, among other projects. 
The plan also showcases some joint initiatives in the pipeline, including improving forest education and training and turning the tide on deforestation, in support of a recent call by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

On an ongoing basis, the CPF engages in forest communication and outreach through its website, meetings, and events; operational activities such as policy coordination; contributions to the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) documentation and sessions; and activities on emerging issues and challenges including COVID-19.

The work plan will be officially launched at the 16th session of the UN Forum on Forests in New York next week.

Chaired by FAO, the CPF envisions that by 2030, all types of forests and forest landscapes are sustainably managed, their multiple values are fully recognized, the potential of forests and their goods and services is fully unlocked, and the Global Forest Goals of the United Nations Strategic Plan on Forests, the Sustainable Development Goals, and other forest-related targets and commitments are achieved.