الزراعة المحافظة على الموارد


تم ترتيب النتائج حسب:
Publications - This guide explores the climate-smart intensification of upland and lowland crop production systems in the dry-zone of Sri Lanka and provides technical guidance to achieve the productive objectives of selected strategic crops (as deemed relevant by the Government of Sri Lanka). The first edition focuses on maize and groundnut upland production systems and on rice lowland production. It provides a quick reference for information on crop production and soil management, including crop varieties, nutritional requirements and field equipment. As climate change will result in wider and more severe occurrences of plant pests, the guide relies on integrated pest management practices...
Publications - Agriculture in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is diverse, and has great potential to revitalize the economy of the countries in the region via improved productivity (efficiency) and higher total yield for food, fodder and fibre crops. Conservation agriculture can rise to the major challenge of making sustainable intensification of production systems a reality. In order for farmers to transition to appropriate sustainable production systems, the provision of an adequate enabling environment and access to knowledge and services, including extension, mechanization, inputs and market intelligence, are crucial. Farmer Field Schools are the best place for exchanging experience and knowledge about...
Publications - Сельское хозяйство в Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии разнообразно и обладает большим потенциалом для оживления экономики стран региона за счет повышения производительности (эффективности) и повышения общего урожая продовольственных, кормовых и волокнистых культур. Почвозащитное и ресурсосберегающее земледелие может решить главную задачу по превращению устойчивой интенсификации производственных систем в реальность. Для того чтобы фермеры могли перейти к соответствующим устойчивым производственным системам, решающее значение имеет обеспечение надлежащих благоприятных условий и доступа к знаниям и услугам, включая распространение, механизацию, вводимые ресурсы и анализ рынка. Фермерские полевые школы являются лучшим местом для обмена опытом и знаниями в области природоохранного сельского хозяйства, укрепления технического и научного...
Publications - This manual is specifically designed to help train actual and potential farm mechanization service providers, in order to increase access to sustainable farm power to raise the productivity of smallholder farmers. It focuses on two crucial aspects: the provision of farm mechanization services as a viable business opportunity for entrepreneurs, and the essential criteria of raising productivity in an environmentally sensitive and responsible way i.e. that includes conservation agriculture. Practical guidance on the essential business development and management skills required to successfully run a mechanization service provision business are presented, with a focus on the equipment required to offer services...
Publications - This publication summarizes and presents the information on possible ways to adopt CA approaches in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It also makes recommendations for their further promotion. The Guidelines cover such topics as the significance and current state of agriculture in the project countries, permanent raised-bed planting technologies, zero-tillage technologies, weed varieties and main measures to control them, crop rotation, overview of CA machinery and equipment, and laser-assisted land levelling. The Guidelines target agricultural scientists, specialists, trainers, extension consultants and interested farmers.
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