Почвозащитное и ресурсосберегающее земледелие (ПРЗ)


Результаты отфильтрованы по:
Reports - Agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors of Sri Lanka and is key to the livelihood of its population. As it is one of the sectors most vulnerable to climate change, a thorough understanding of its impact is critical for formulating informed and effective adaptation strategies. Climate change challenges agriculture in many ways and affects – directly or indirectly – the economy, productivity, employment and food security. This report presents insights about future climate change impacts on six crops (rice, maize, green gram, big onion, chilli and potato), selected according to a wide range of criteria: contribution to gross...
Reports - This publication is a report of a Workshop that brought together people from a wide range of institutions - farmers, researchers, extensionists, policy makers, donors – from 40 countries who share a common concern about the non-sustainability of ways in which farm land is now being used and who are convinced that this must change. The Workshop, which was hosted by FAO and the UK Tropical Agriculture Association (TAA), focused on the growing evidence of success in the adoption and spread of CA systems in developing countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and on ways of mainstreaming CA principles...