جهات الاتصال

هل لديك تظلم أو مقترح بشأن مشروع منظمة الأغذية و الزراعة (الفاو)؟ أستخدم آلية معالجة التظلم الخاصة بالمشروع , أو أتصل ب يرجى أضافة البريد الألكتروني للمكتب اللامركزي اذا تعذر حل التظلم من خلال ادارة المشروع \ على المستوى الفني, يرجى الأتصال بمكتب المفتش العام (التحقيقات)

Country Leaflet

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رمزعنوانمن عندإلىالميزانية الإجمالية
TCP/SUD/3902 Support to Community-based Seed Production System in South Kordofan State 2024 2025349,000$
TCP/SUD/3903/C1 Support to Food Security and Healthy Diets in Red Sea State 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/SUD/4001 Emergency response to Desert Locust outbreak in the Sudan 2024 2025500,000$
TCP/SUD/3901 Support for improving crop production and value chain for Mabrooka Community, Sinar State. 2023 2025351,000$
رمزعنوانمن عندإلىالميزانية الإجمالية
OSRO/SUD/124/IRE Emergency Seed Distribution to Vulnerable Farming Households in White Nile State 2024 2025501,196$
OSRO/SUD/125/IRE Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Support to Vulnerable Refugees and Host Communities in White Nile State 2024 2025501,196$
OSRO/SUD/127/CHA Emergency seed distribution to safeguard food and nutrition security, local food production, and income of conflict-affected smallholder rainfed farmers in Darfur and Kordofan regions of Sudan. 2024 202510,000,000$
OSRO/SUD/129/SFR Restoring food and nutrition security of the conflict-affected smallholder agro-pastoralist and pastoralist households in central, eastern and northern Sudan through provision of critical farming and pastoralist productive inputs. 2024 20252,000,000$
OSRO/SUD/130/USA Prevent hunger and address emergency acute food insecurity among conflict-affected vulnerable smallholder farming households in Sudan 2024 20253,765,200$
OSRO/SUD/131/UAE Mitigating Famine in Sudan: support to conflict-affected vulnerable smallholder farming and pastoralist households 2024 20255,000,000$
OSRO/SUD/117/CHA Restore and enhance food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities through reduction of conflicts between farmers and herders over access to natural resources and services in five Darfur states. 2023 2024500,000$
OSRO/SUD/119/NOR Protect livestock assets and restore pastoralist livelihoods through providing emergency livestock interventions in Sudan 2023 20242,000,000$
OSRO/SUD/122/SWI Sudan, FAO Emergency Livelihood Response Plan 2023 20242,625,571$
OSRO/SUD/123/CHA Winter season vegetables seeds distribution and restocking with milking goats for the most vulnerable farming and Agro pastoralists households in River Nile and Northern states in the Sudan 2023 20241,000,000$
GCP /SUD/099/EC Strengthening the Livelihoods Resilience of Pastoral and Agro pastoral Communities in Darfur region and South Kordofan state, Sudan 2024 202815,723,270$
GCP /SUD/098/NOR FAO Sudan smallholders and agro pastoralist value chain support in the face of climate change 2022 202618,510,726$
GCP /SUD/095/GCR Supporting REDD+ Readiness Preparation and Implementation in Sudan 2022 2025897,992$
GCP /SUD/919/LDF Resilience of Pastoral and Farming Communities to Climate Change in North Darfur (FSP) 2022 20252,429,680$
GCP /SUD/916/GFF Landscape Approach to Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement (FSP) 2022 20242,589,727$
GCP /SUD/083/GCF GAMS:Gums for Adaptation and Mitigation in Sudan: Enhancing adaptive capacity of local communities and restoring carbon sink potential of the Gum Arabic belt (Great Green Wall) 2021 20269,975,000$
GCP /SUD/082/GCR Strengthening adaptation planning processes and capacity for implementation of adaptation actions in agricultural and water sectors in Sudan 2020 20241,479,480$
GCP /SUD/085/CPR Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation (SSC) with the People?s Republic of China in Support of the Implementation of the National Agriculture Investment Plan (2016-2020) in the Republic of the Sudan 2020 20241,817,383$
UNJP/SUD/126/UNJ Strengthening security and social cohesion in conflict hotspots along migratory routes in Blue Nile 2024 2025625,070$
UNJP/SUD/096/PBF Strengthening the security- Climate Nexus in Gedaref, Sudan. 2022 20252,000,000$