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SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
TCP/SIL/3906 Piloting alternative models for Home Grown School Feeding in Kenema district 2023 2025224,000$
TCP/SIL/3903/C2 TCPF: Technical support for strengthening country`s capacity and resource gaps in accessing climate financing from the Green Climate Fund and other funding windows 2023 2024100,000$
TCP/SIL/3904 Technical Assistance for consolidating and Cascading Youth-at-Risk Empowerment and Social Cohesion Impacts 2023 2024216,000$
TCP/SIL/3905/C3 TCPF: Technical Assistance for strengthening the capacity of the National Federation of Farmers of Sierra Leone (NaFFSL) and development of Crop Compensation Policy for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS). 2023 2024100,000$
SímboloTítuloa partir deaPresupuesto total
OSRO/SIL/031/USA Global Health Security (GHS) Project: Enhancing Animal Health and One Health capacities to mitigate zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risks and threats in Sierra Leone 2023 20271,500,000$
OSRO/SIL/200/IRE Building resilient communities through climate smart and market driven production for improved food and nutrition security in Sierra Leone 2023 2024533,049$
OSRO/SIL/002/UK Governance and surveillance of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Sierra Leone 2020 20241,187,712$
UTF /SIL/058/SIL Strengthening the Rice Value Chain in Sierra Leone through South-South Cooperation 2024 20285,000,000$
UTF /SIL/057/SIL Technical support for the implementation of the Food Systems Resilient Program, Sierra Leone Phase 2 2023 20244,276,316$
GCP /SIL/055/EC Support to Sustainable Forestry in Sierra Leone 2023 20262,934,885$
UNJP/SIL/056/UNO Mainstreaming the Human Security Approach by Improving Mining Sector Governance to Enhance Environment Sustainability and Resilient Livelihoods in Sierra Leone. 2023 2024111,174$