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Country Leaflet

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SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
TCP/STL/4001 Climate Smart Agriculture and Integrated Crop Management to boost vegetable production in St. Lucia 2024 2026500,000$
TCP/STL/3901 Promoting competitive import substitution and export agricultural value chains in St. Lucia 2023 2025380,000$
SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
MTF /STL/024/STF-F Improving food safety standards and implementation for Sea Moss Agro-processing in Saint Lucia 2024 202539,800$
GCP /STL/002/GCR Implementing the Saint Lucia Fisheries Sectoral Adaptation Strategy Action Plan (SASAP) 2023 2025184,331$
GCP /STL/001/GCR Improving the capacity of the fisheries sector in St Lucia to enhance resilience to climate change 2021 2024627,188$