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СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/BOT/3905/C1 TCPF: Development of Food safety and food control strategy 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/BOT/4001/C1 TCPF: Development of National Fodder Production Strategy 2024 202597,000$
TCP/BOT/4002 Development of Aquaculture Policy 2024 2025129,000$
TCP/BOT/3903 Development of the National Food and Nutrition Policy 2023 2025128,000$
TCP/BOT/3901 Supporting the attainment of food security through the reduction of post-harvest losses in horticultural crops 2023 2024179,000$
TCP/BOT/3904 Develop quality management systems and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for priority value chains 2023 2024128,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
UTF /BOT/012/BOT Technical Support for Land Degradation Assessment, Monitoring and Development of Restoration Strateg 2019 20241,000,000$
GCP /BOT/012/GFF Integrated sustainable and adaptive management of natural resources to support land degradation neutrality and livelihoods in the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of North-east Botswana (FSP) 2021 20275,354,587$