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Country Leaflet

СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/CVI/3904 Technical support to scale-up Reflor-CV results and facilitate access to climate finance mechanisms for Cabo Verde 2023 2025298,000$
TCP/CVI/3905 Assistance technique pour l’élaboration de la Stratégie Nationale de Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle de Cabo Verde (ENSAN) à l’horizon 2030 2023 2025191,000$
TCP/CVI/3903 Appui d`urgence pour renforcer la capacité des associations de producteurs et des ménages les plus vulnérables à gérer la triple crise et à préserver la sécurité alimentaire au Cabo Verde 2023 2024250,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
GCP /CVI/11100P/SCF Climate change adaptation of Cabo Verde?s agri-food systems for improved food security and livelihoo (PPG) 2023 2024100,000$
GCP /CVI/11255P/GFF Accelerating Cabo Verde`s Transition to Blue and Green Economy (PPG) 2023 2024300,000$
GCP /CVI/051P/GFF Towards Land Degradation Neutrality for Improved Equity, Sustainability, and Resilience (PPG) 2022 2024100,000$
GCP /CVI/051/SPA Promouvoir l entrepreneuriat dans l economie bleue 2021 2026604,396$
GCP /CVI/049/CPR Technical Assistance under the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme in Support of Agricultural Production Systems to Enhance Food Security and Nutrition in the Republic of Cabo Verde 2021 20241,469,129$
GCP /CVI/050/GCR Enhance capacities of Cabo Verde in addressing the effects of climate change in key sectors of the Blue Economy 2021 2024461,032$
UNJP/CVI/055/UNJ Connecting blue economy actors: generating employment, supporting livelihoods and mobilizing resources 2024 2024234,199$