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Country Leaflet

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СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/NAM/3901 Development of SPARS in Namibia and the Development of the Namibia Census of Agriculture Project Document 2022 2024216,000$
TCP/NAM/3903 Technical support for phytosanitary capacity evaluation and establishment of plant health clinics to improve agricultural production and productivity 2022 2024232,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
OSRO/NAM/024/JPN Emergency response to enhance resilience and mitigate climate-induced impacts on livelihoods, food and nutrition security of the most vulnerable households in Namibia 2024 2025758,916$
GCP /NAM/11371P/GFF Food System Intergrated Programme in Namibia (PPG) 2024 202580,000$
GCP /NAM/019/CPR South-South cooperation (SSC) between the People`s Republic of China and the Republic of Namibia on Agriculture and Fishery Production 2023 20251,735,124$
GCP /NAM/021/GFF Integrated landscape management to reduce, reverse and avoid further degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources in the Mopane-Miombo belt of Northern Namibia (FSP) 2021 20266,130,275$