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Country Leaflet

СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
TCP/TAJ/3906/C5 TCPF: Strengthening the capacity for digitalization of the agriculture machinery registration system 2024 202590,000$
TCP/TAJ/4001 Preparatory assistance to Tajikistan Agricultural Census 2025 2024 202420,000$
TCP/TAJ/3905 Support of value chain strengthening in rural areas 2023 2024352,000$
TCP/TAJ/3903/C3 TCPF: Support to export increase of agri-food products through green development and enhanced market access (OCOP) 2022 202488,000$
TCP/TAJ/3904/C4 TCPF: Cooperative development and strengthening of rural institutions under the Agrarian Reform Programme 2022 202496,000$
СимволНазваниеотнаОбщий бюджет
OSRO/TAJ/026/USA Enhancing a One Health approach in Tajikistan to control zoonotic disease 2023 2027700,000$
UTF /TAJ/023/TAJ Strengthening Resilience of the Agriculture Sector Project 2022 20262,350,000$
GCP /TAJ/022/GFF Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Tajikistan to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement (MSP) 2023 20261,319,863$
GCP /TAJ/021/GFF Facilitating agrobiodiversity (ABD) conservation and sustainable use to promote food and nutritional resilience in Tajikistan (MSP) 2022 20251,778,483$