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TCP/ERI/4001 Climate-smart beekeeping and honey value chain development project 2024 2026250,000$
TCP/ERI/4002 Improving Coastal Community Livelihoods through Innovative Small-Scale Coastal Mariculture and Fisheries Technologies 2024 2026200,000$
TCP/ERI/4003 Improving nutrition and food systems in Eritrea through nutrition sensitive agriculture best practices 2024 2026332,000$
TCP/ERI/3903 Technical support for the implementation of the Farmers Field School/Agro-pastoralist Field School in Eritrea 2023 2024316,000$
TCP/ERI/3904 Enhance pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods and resilience through integrated control of Camel and other major livestock diseases in Eritrea 2023 2024400,000$
TCP/ERI/3901 Supporting the implementation of FAO Hand in Hand Initiative in Eritrea for Sustainable and Inclusive Food and Agriculture Systems in selected intervention areas 2022 2024366,000$
TCP/ERI/3902 Technical Assistance to support the Date palm expansion Programme in Eritrea 2022 2024222,000$
OSRO/ERI/022/JPN Emergency support to the vulnerable pastoralists and agro-pastoralists by responding to Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) outbreaks in Gash Barka, Debub, Anseba and Maekel Regions. 2024 2025225,000$
OSRO/ERI/023/CHA Life and livelihood saving support to vulnerable rural communities and refugees in Tesseney and neighboring areas affected by the recent drought, desert locus, and influx of the refugees and returnees from Sudan 2024 20251,500,000$
OSRO/ERI/021/CHA Enhancing the livelihoods of Female headed households and Women with Starter and Layer feed in the Drought Affected Areas 2023 20241,500,000$
GCP /ERI/902/LDF Building Community Based Integrated and Climate Resilient Natural Resources Management and Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood in the South-Eastern Escarpments and Adjacent Coastal Areas of Eritrea (FSP) 2023 20309,002,083$
GCP /ERI/904/GFF Building Community Based Integrated and Climate Resilient Natural Resources Management and Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood in the South-Eastern Escarpments and Adjacent Coastal Areas of Eritrea (FSP) 2023 20306,678,226$