Gateway to dairy production and products



The two women in this story are among 8,000 Afghan milk farmers, mostly women, who were introduced to the business through the dairy cooperative movement. Founded by FAO in 2002, the movement is expanding steadily and is now based on thriving co-operat


Rural Solutions is a video series that highlights solutions to specific challenges that are common in rural areas of developing countries. Bio


Egypt is the driest country on earth and with its growing population it is now more vital than ever to make the best us


The video is an interview with a beneficiary of a FAO project. She tells her story of before the project and after, including the what she learnt and what she was able to do and gain with the knowledge.


This animation describes how ILRI-supported innovation platforms have helped to improve smallholder milk production in Tanzania and India through the MilkiT project.


This animation describes how the ILRI-supported MilkiT project set up innovation platforms to understand the needs of smallholder farmers' in India and Tanzania to help them better feed their animals and sell more milk.


Tajikistan’s dairy sector is faced with increasing competition from imports and an acute lack of high-quality domestically-produced raw milk for domestic agro-industries. As a result, stakeholders across the entire value chain are keen to improve raw m


This film shares information on efforts by ILRI and partners to improve dairy cow breeds in East Africa as part of the Dairy Genetics East Africa project.


International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)- Methane released from cow dung is 22 times more harmful than carbon dioxide. But this very same methane can also be used for good. A new African invention is cheaply and simply turning this dung i


Management and hygiene of the milking machine


The video is describing the approach and results from a Smallholder Dairy Development Programme in Thailand, Myanmar, and Bangladesh.



Every year around the globe 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted, that is a 1/3 of all food produced for human consumption.


Presentation delivered by C. Banga (ARC) during the African Symposium on “Animal identification and recording (AIR) sys


It’s quite extraordinary that Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa and home to almost 200 million people, does not ye


This film shares the experience of building an innovation platform to support dairy production in Tanzania. Two development sector experts talk about the Tanga Dairy Platform and how it contributes to Tanzania's dairy sector.


This is the story of Faustina Akyoo, a dairy farmer from Tanga in Tanzania, who talks about the benefits of dairying and being a member of the Tanga Dairy Platform.


International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)- Produced about the work of the Improving Productivity and Market Suc


Video sharing results of the MilkIT project in Uttarakhand (India). The project was funded by IFAD.


This film tells the story of Sheha Saidi, a dairy farmer from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, who shares her experiences of the differences between keeping dairy cattle in the city compared to keeping animals in the rural area of Pongwe, Tanga where her siste


This film tells the story of a four-year project that is mitigating and measuring the risk of mycotoxins in maize and dairy products for poor consumers in Kenya.


The information in this section, coming from personal or institutional (non-FAO) YouTube channels, do not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility on the part of FAO for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The sole purpose of links to non-FAO videos is to indicate further information available on related topics. The information is provided on the basis that users accessing the platform assume responsibility for assessing its relevance, accuracy and suitability for application.

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