FAO Digital Services Portfolio

Promotion and outreach

  • The level of uptake of the DSP in the country will benefit from an effective communication campaign. Consider using all available channels and various tools for the campaign to reach different age groups and demographics. Identify and use communication amplifiers (facilitators/champions/ambassadors that also have the potential to play important roles in fostering awareness on the DSP possibilities in the country at a broader scale)
  • It may be beneficial to identify focal points for the communication campaign, i.e., in ministries, extension services, other relevant entities, media representatives, representatives of the private sector such as the telecom sector, shareholders/service providers in the food and agriculture sector, agribusiness associations etc.- that will drive the DSP promotion and uptake.
  • Suggested list of viable options for communication channels/tools/approaches is provided below to be adapted for local context:
  1. Develop print products/publications: fact sheets, brochures, flyers, FAQs...) on the themes/content developed in the DSP rollout country, including concrete examples, facts, and figures
  2. Write up on DSP topics: This material can be posted on DSP stakeholders’ online channels regularly
  3. Create audiovisuals for social networking mediums including YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook depending on the ones more used in the country, I.e., short interviews or podcasts of DSP users, country experts etc. You should check new followers/ friends/contacts as expansion of the network and the contacts database is the goal.
  4. Organize pilot sessions to introduce the DSP to regional and district partners/users, offering the participants the opportunity to experience the DSP key features and how to access its different services offered. You can then plan more feedback sessions/awareness training with more users depending on needs and relevance (I.e.: extension officers, farmers, the private sector, agriculture non-state actors etc.). 
  5.  Use press/TV/local radio briefings at a regional and local level. You do not need to organize these independently but eventually alongside other press/outreach activities.
Training on DSP Jordan
Outreach DSP Jordan