Digital Villages Initiative in Europe and Central Asia


In Kyrgyzstan, where most of the population lives in rural areas, small-scale agriculture and animal husbandry is the main source of food and income.


Montenegro's first peer-to-peer agricultural market and knowledge-sharing platform enables farmers to buy and sell inputs and exchange knowledge.


A FAO-developed app is boosting the dairy sector in Kazakhstan, helping conduct surveys and locate new suppliers.


FAO helped to enhance diversification and competitiveness of Albanian smallholders through the promotion of agrotourism and digitalization in the agrifood sector. The one-year project, which ended recently, targeted three pilot areas in the country (Belsh, Melesi Madhe, and Korca).


n 2019, the website was launched as the online platform of Azerbaijan’s Electronic Agricultural Information System (EKTIS) to be closer to the farmers. EKTIS is an innovative initiative that combines the principles of proximity, good governance and the application of innovations to farmers and ensures access to agricultural services and transparency in the provision of these services.