Director-General QU Dongyu


Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu met today with H.E. Girma Amente, Minister for Agriculture of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia during which the newly appointed Minister thanked the Director-General and FAO for the ongoing support to Ethiopia,
Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today had a meeting with the Secretary-General of the Central American Integration System (SICA), Werner Isaac Vargas Torres. The SICA Secretary-General showed his appreciation for the meeting at FAO headquarters and
Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems.
Rome - FAO Director-General QU Dongyu met with H.E. Rania Abd-El Moneim Al-Mashat, Minister for International Cooperation for the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Director-General welcomed the Minister and expressed his congratulations to the Government of Eg
Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu had a bilateral meeting today with Her Excellency T.H. Jeanine Milly Cooper, Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Liberia during which the Minister thanked the Director-General and FAO for the ongoing strategic par
Rome – FAO Director-General QU Dongyu today had a meeting with ZHAO Fengtao, Vice Chairperson of China’s International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). The Director-General appraised CIDCA for its’ continuous support and good cooperation, and stat
Rome - FAO Director-General QU Dongyu met with H.E. Abu-Bakr Omer Al-Bushra Ahmed, Minister for Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Sudan. The Minister expressed his appreciation for FAO’s continued support to Sudan, specifically the agricultural
Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu and H.E. Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhzoumi, Minister for Environment and Climate Change of the Federal Republic of Somalia held a bilateral meeting on 15 February during which the Minister noted that FAO has one of its largest
Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu and H.E. Gabriel Mbairobe, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Cameroon held a meeting today, 15 February. The Minister expressed appreciation for FAO’s support to Cameroon and for the Direc
Rome - Director-General QU Dongyu and Franklin Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development of the Republic of Kenya held a meeting today, 15 February. The Director-General welcomed the Cabinet Secretary and indic
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