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A. Scale of contributions 1998-99
B. Payment by the European Community to cover
expenses arising out of its membership in the organization
C. Financial position of the organization
including status of contributions
D. Approval of the commissary accounts by the
finance committee
A. Scale of contributions 1998-99
Having noted the recommendations of the Hundred and Twelfth and Hundred and Thirteenth Sessions of the Council,
Confirming that, as in the past, FAO should follow the United Nations Scale of Assessments subject to adaptation for the different membership of FAO,
Noting that the United Nations General Assembly has not yet reached agreement on the United Nations Scale of Assessments to be applied for the years 1998-2000:
1. Adopts for use in 1998 and 1999 the Scale as set out in Appendix M of this Report, derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments in force during 1997;
2. Decides that if the United Nations General Assembly, adopts a new United Nations Scale of Assessments for the years 1998 to 2000 before 31 December 1998, the Director-General shall prepare a modified Scale of Contributions for the year 1999 to reflect the Scale of Assessments for that year fixed by the United Nations General Assembly applying established principles for adjusting the FAO Scale of Assessment to take into account differences in membership between the United Nations and FAO.
(Adopted on 14 November 1997)
153. The Conference decided that the lump-sum payment due by the European Community (EC) to cover expenses arising out of its membership in the Organization be set at US$545 500 for the 1998-99 biennium.
154. As for the 1996-97 biennium, the Conference also decided that the sums paid by the EC in respect of such administrative and other expenses should be paid into a Trust or Special Fund to be established by the Director-General under Regulation 6.7 of the Financial Regulations.
C. Financial position of the organization including status of contributions
155. The Conference reviewed the status of collection of contributions at 12 November 1997 noting that nearly US$ 257 million of regular contributions had been received and that 75.12 percent of current assessments had been paid. The Conference noted further, however, that 78 Member Nations had made no payment towards their 1997 contributions and 73 Member Nations still owed arrears from previous years.
D. Approval of the commissary accounts by the finance committee
156. The Conference considered the proposal made by the Director-General, and supported by the Council at its Hundred and Eleventh Session (Rome, 1-10 October 1996) and adopted the following Resolution:
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