VII. Constitutional and administrative matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
B. Administrative and financial matters
A. Constitutional and legal matters
Amendments to the general regulations of the world food programme
Draft revised agreement between OAU and FAO
Amendments to the general regulations of the world food programme
129. The Conference adopted the following Resolution transforming the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes into an Executive Board of the World Food Programme and approved the revised General Regulations of the WFP as set out in Appendix K to this report.
Revision of the General Regulations of the World Food Programme and reconstitution of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes as the Executive Board of the World Food Programme
Recalling its Resolutions 1/61, 4/65 and 22/75 concerning the establishment and continuation of the United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Food Programme and its Resolution 9/91 concerning the revision of the General Regulations of the World Food Programme and membership of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the World Food Programme,
Noting Resolution 48/162 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 December 1993, on further measures for the restructuring and revitalization of the United Nations in the economic, social and related fields,
Having considered the decision of the Hundred and Eighth Session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, adopted on the recommendation of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the World Food programme concerning the governance of the Programme, the revision of the General Regulations of the World Food Programme, and the reconstitution of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and programmes. as the Executive Board of the World Food Programme:
1. Decides, subject to the concurrence of the General Assembly of the United Nations, that the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes shall be reconstituted as the Executive Board of the World Food Programme, with 36 members elected from among the States Members of the United Nations or the Member Nations of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and that the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations shall elect 18 members each, as set forth in paragraph 2 below;
2. Also decides that the members of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme shall be elected on an interim basis for four years from among the States included in the lists set out in the Basic Texts of the World Food programme in accordance with the following distribution of seats:
a) nine members from the States included in List A, five members to be elected by the Economic and Social Council and four by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
b) seven members from the States included in List B. four members to be elected by the Economic and Social Council and three by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
c) five members from the States included in List C, two members to be elected by the Economic and Social Council and three by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
d) twelve members from the States included in List D, six members to be elected by the Economic and Social Council and six by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
e) two members from the States included in List E, one member to be elected by the Economic and Social Council and one by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
f) one additional member alternating between the States included in Lists B and C, starting with List C, to be elected by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
and takes note that this allocation of seats creates no precedent for the composition of other United Nations bodies of a limited membership;
a) four members from the States included in List A, two for a term of three years, one for a term of two years and one for a term of one year;
b) three members from the States included in List B. one for a term of three years, one for a term of two years and one for a term of one year;
c) four members from the States included in List C, one for a term of three years, two for a term of two years and one for a term of one year;
d) six members from the States included in List D, two for a term of three years, two for a term of two years and two for a term of one year;
e) one member from the States included in List E for a term of one year;
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Draft revised agreement between OAU and FAO
130. The Conference expressed its satisfaction with the strengthening and expanding cooperation between the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and FAO. The Conference approved the revised Agreement between the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and FAO and adopted the following resolution:
Agreement between the Organization of African Unity and FAO
Considering the desirability of strengthening and expanding the existing cooperation between the Organization of African Unity and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:
1. Approves the revised Agreement between OAU and FAO, the text of which is reproduced as, an Appendix L to this report and authorizes the Director-General to conclude the Agreement.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
B. Administrative and financial matters
Audited accounts 1992-93 and report on action taken on recommendations of the external auditor
Scale of contributions 1996-97
Financial position of the organizations
Payment of contributions
Payment by the European community to cover administrative and other expenses arising out of its membership in the organization
Personnel matters
Audited accounts 1992-93 and report on action taken on recommendations of the external auditor
- Regular Programme 1992-93
- UNDP 1992-93
- World Food Programme 1992-93
131. The Conference reviewed the reports of the External Auditor on the above accounts as well as the views expressed in the Report of the Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council (Rome, 15-24 November 1994), which had examined the Regular Programme and UNDP accounts for 1992-93, and the Report of the Hundred and Eighth Session of the Council (Rome, 5-14 June 1995), which had examined the World Food Programme accounts for the same period. The Conference noted that in the Report for each of the three Programmes the External Auditor had expressed the opinion that the financial statements presented fairly the financial position at 31 December 1993 and the results of operations for the biennium then ended, that the financial statements had been prepared in accordance with the stated accounting policies, and that the transactions were in accordance with the Financial Regulations and legislative authority.
132. The Conference wished to express its appreciation for the work carried out by the External Auditor.
133. The Conference noted that the Finance Committee had reviewed the progress made on implemention of the External Auditor's recommendations.
134. The Conference endorsed the views of the Council and adopted the following Resolution:
Audited accounts
Having considered the Reports of the Hundred and Seventh, and Hundred and Eighth Sessions of the Council,
Having examined the following Audited Accounts and the External Auditor's Reports thereon:
Regular Programme 1992-93 | C 95/5 |
United Nations Development Programme 1992-93 | C 95/6 |
World Food Programme 1992-93 | C 95/7 |
Adopts the above Audited Accounts.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Scale of contributions 1996-97
135. The Conference noted that the Finance Committee and the Council had agreed that the FAO proposed Scale of Contributions for 1996-97 be derived from the UN Scale of Assessments in force for the three-year period 1995-97.
136. The Conference accordingly adopted the following Resolution:
Scale of contributions 1996-97
Having noted the recommendations of the Hundred and Eighth Session of the Council,
Confirming that, as in the past, FAO should follow the United Nations Scale of Assessments subject to adaptation for the different membership of FAO:
1. Decides that the FAO Scale of Contributions for 1996-97 should be derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments in force during 1995;
2. Adopts for use in 1996 and 1997 the Scale as set out in Appendix M of this report.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Financial position of the organizations
Status of contributions and the discount scheme
137. The Conference examined the financial position of the Organization and expressed concern over the fact that a total of US$219 million was still outstanding, of which US$110 million related to current assessments and US$109 million to arrears of contributions. The Conference once again urged all Member Nations to pay their arrears and current assessed contributions in full immediately.
138. The Conference considered the Director-General's proposal to discontinue the Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions in view of the functioning of the scheme during three years. Although the Conference accepted that the results were disappointing, there was no clear majority in favour of discontinuing the scheme. The Conference requested the Finance Committee to investigate alternatives to the scheme, which might improve the timeliness of payments, taking into account the experience of other United Nations organizations.
139. In connection with the request submitted to the Director-General to have voting rights restored at the Twenty-eighth Session of the Conference and for a plan to liquidate arrears, the Conference adopted the following Resolutions in accordance with past practice. However, given the financial situation of the Organization, the Conference encourages these Members to make every effort to accelerate their payment of arrears with a view to paying in full over a shorter period of time, preferably over two years. The Conference requested the Director-General to continue to work with these Members to accelerate the payment of their arrears.
Payment of contributions - Afghanistan
Noting that the Government of Afghanistan had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Afghanistan totalling US$94 396.00 shall be settled through the payment often equal instalments of US$9 439.60;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Afghanistan to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5; 5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Bolivia
Noting that the Government of Bolivia had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Bolivia totalling US$123 048.29 shall be settled through the payment of nine equal instalments of US$12 307.83 and a tenth instalment of US$12 307.82;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Bolivia to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Cambodia
Noting that the Government of Cambodia had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Cambodia totalling US$308 960.00 shall be settled through the payment of ten equal instalments of US$30 896.00;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Cambodia to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Dominican Republic
Noting that the Government of the Dominican Republic had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a of period ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of the Dominican Republic totalling US$730 480.00 shall be settled through the payment of ten equal instalments of US$73 048.00;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of the Dominican Republic to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Gambia
Noting that the Government of Gambia had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Gambia totalling US$121 845.22 shall be sealed through the payment of nine equal instalments of US$12 184.52 and a tenth instalment of US$12 184.54;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Gambia to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Grenada
Noting that the Government of Grenada had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Grenada totalling US$122 235.00 shall be settled through the payment of ten equal instalments of US$12 223.50;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Grenada to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Jamaica
Noting that the Government of Jamaica had made a proposal that
it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of seven
years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current
contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Jamaica totalling US$99 435.00 shall be settled through the payment of one instalment of US$36 718 in 1996, six equal annual instalments of US$10 000 starting in 1997, and an eighth instalment of US$2 717 in 2003;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Jamaica to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Liberia
Noting that the Government of Liberia had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Liberia totalling US$185 653.60 shall be settled through the payment of ten equal instalments of US$18 565.36;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Liberia to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Niger
Noting that the Government of Niger had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Niger totalling US$150 076.00 shall be settled through the payment of ten equal instalments of US$15 007.60;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Niger to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Rwanda
Noting that the Government of Rwanda had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Rwanda totalling US$88 695.51 shall be settled through the payment of nine equal instalments of US$8 869.55 and a tenth instalment of US$8 869.56;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Rwanda to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Sierra Leone
Noting that the Government of Sierra Leone had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Sierra Leone totalling US$174 050.14 shall be settled through the payment of nine equal instalments of US$17 405.01 and a tenth instalment of US$17 401.05;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of Sierra Leone to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Suriname
Noting that the Government of Suriname had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions before the end of 1995,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of Suriname totalling US$209 774.00 shall be settled through the payment of one instalment of US$209 774.00;
2. Default in payment of this instalment shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
Payment of contributions - Yemen
Noting the Government of Yemen had made a proposal that it liquidate its arrears of contributions over a period of ten years commencing in 1996 in addition to paying each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment,
Decides that:
1. Notwithstanding Financial Regulation 5.5 the arrears of contributions of the Yemen totalling US$108 330.03 shall be settled through the payment of nine equal instalments of US$10 833.00 and a tenth instalment of US$10 833.03;
2. The assessed contribution for 1995 shall be payable in 1995. The first instalment shall be payable in 1996;
3. The annual payment of the instalments referred to above, together with the payment of each current contribution in the calendar year of assessment and any advances to the Working Capital Fund, shall be considered as fulfilment of the financial obligations of the Yemen to the Organization;
4. Instalments shall be payable in accordance with Financial Regulation 5.5;
5. Default in payment of two instalments shall render this instalment plan null and void.
(Adopted 31 October 1995)
140. The Conference decided that the lump-sum payment due by the EC to cover administrative and other expenses arising out of its membership in the Organization be set at US$525 000 for the 1996-97 biennium.
141. As for the 1994-95 biennium, the Conference also decided that the sums paid by the EC in respect of administrative and other expenses should be paid into a trust or special fund to be established by the Director-General under Resolution 6.7 of the Financial Regulations.
142. The President of the Association of Professional Staff (APS), on behalf of the three staff associations, addressed the Conference, highlighting the concerns of staff in light of the approved budget of the Organization for the coming biennium and indicating the willingness of staff to participate in finding ways and means to improve the productivity end efficiency of the Organization.