
Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

  • FAO ‘AI and Digital Tools for Climate Resilient Agri-Food Systems’ on the spotlight at the Science and Innovation Forum 2023

    The global agricultural sector is facing unprecedented challenges due to the adverse effects of climate change. Erratic weather patterns, shifting precipitations, and rising temperatures are leading to crop failures, reduced yields, and increased vulnerability of food systems. To address these challenges and ensure food security for a growing population, there is a critical need to develop climate-resilient agri-food systems that can adapt to changing environmental conditions. In this challenging context, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is taking bold action...
  • Open Call for AgriTech Champions – Digital demo farms (deadline: 10 September 2023)

    A part of the Digital Villages Initiative in Europe and Central Asia FAO invites agritech innovators to showcase their digital solutions on demonstration farms in selected countries of Europe and Central Asia (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan) as part of the 1 000 Digital Villages Initiative (DVI) . On these digital demo farms, participants will have the chance to display innovative agricultural technologies, products, and services, testing and putting them into practice for the benefit of local farmers and communities. The...
  • International Conference on Food Security (September 7-8, 2023)

    On September 7-8, 2023 the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan - with the technical support of FAO - will host the International Conference on Food Security as a global multilateral platform to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the field of food security.The International Conference on Food Security will review the state of food security in the world with a special focus on Central Asia, deliberate on key agrifood system challenges hindering progress towards the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, and seek solutions to these challenges. The status of implementation of...
  • E-conversation on Digitalization and agroecology: a challenging marriage?

    On Monday 17 July, the Digital Agri Hub is launching a new e-mail-based conversation on a topic which was identified as highly interesting by members of the D4Ag community via an online survey conducted during the month of June. The exchanges, co-organized by GFAR, the University of British Columbia, the Agroecology Coalition and the Digital Agri Hub will be hosted on the Digitalisation for Agriculture or D4Ag dgroup . Digests will be re-posted daily on the FAO e-agriculture platform.The forthcoming e-conversation will focus on the compatibility of two narratives or world views regarding...
  • FAO Brussels Briefing: Together to end child labour in agrifood value chains | 12 June 2023

    It is an alarming fact that 70 percent of children engaged in child labour worldwide – 112 million – are working in agriculture. Their work goes beyond the limits of safety and well-being and crosses into a form of labour that can harm their health and undermine their education, perpetuating poverty and food insecurity.Even more worrisome, child labour has increased between 2016 and 2020, with an additional four million girls and boys involved in child labour in agriculture.On 12 June, to mark the World day against child labour, we will discuss with global, regional and country-level partners...
  • Transforming Agriculture Through Innovation: The Blue-Green Digital Innovation Challenge in Grenada

    In the scenic and fertile lands of Grenada, a new chapter of agricultural innovation is unfolding. With the launch of the Blue-Green Digital Innovation Challenge, the Government of Grenada, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is spearheading a visionary initiative. This groundbreaking challenge aims to empower local entrepreneurs and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the agroprocessing and agrotourism sectors by encouraging the integration of innovative and digital solutions...
  • Call for innovative digital solutions for agriculture (by 8 June)

    Background Land and water resources in NENA are limited and facing severe stress. Climate change projections suggest more drought and extreme events. A transformative approach is needed to support agricultural production system to become more productive and sustainable to address these challenges...
  • Digital Villages in action in Europe and Central Asia - LAUNCH EVENT

    THURSDAY, 18 MAY 2023 | Zoom | 09:30-12:00 (CEST) | English and Russian FAO in Europe and Central Asia (REU), along with its partners in Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan , is taking action to accelerate the digital transformation...
    Posted by Veronika sherova on