
Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

  • Practicing the principles for digital development

    Practicing the principles for digital development Date Thu, October 12, 2017 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EAT Location Hyatt Regency, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Desciption The Principles for Digital Development are the distilled knowledge of hundreds of professionals and thousands of projects into nine best...
  • "Farm to table" event organized by the U.S. Embassy in Nepal explores innovative ways to improve value chains

    The US Embassy in Nepal organized a ‘Farm to Table’ event on August 29th to identify opportunities to maximize the market potential of Nepal’s agricultural sector. The conference brought together agro-entrepreneurs, buyers, suppliers, financial service providers, and farmers from Nepal and the United States. The main discussion of this round-table was based on finding innovative ways to improve efficiency and maximize productivity in Nepali agriculture. One of the main recommendations was to improve value chains by investing in ICTs connecting farmers to knowledge, market information and...
  • FHI 360 is looking for an ICT for Agriculture Consultant in Ghana

    FHI 360 , a nonprofit human development organization based in North Carolina, U.S., is looking for an ICT for Agriculture Consultant in Ghana. The consultant will conduct meetings with stakeholders in Accra and conduct focus groups and design sessions with potential user groups in the surrounding area. The consultant should: Identify points of public and private sector collaboration and integration where possible; Confirm the appropriate end-users and digital channels available to them; Conduct focus groups with identified end users to confirm specifications; and Define roles and...
  • How can ICT Transform Agriculture?

    The WorldBank is holding a live Facebook chat on how ICT can transform agriculture . 10:00 AM ET | 3:00 P.M GMT Log on here to join About this event Today’s fast-evolving information and communication technology (ICT) represents a tremendous opportunity for farmers to boost productivity and food...
  • Internet of Things (loT) for Agriculture Webinar Series: "IoT: the Internet of Tractors"

    The World Bank Agriculture Global Practice is pleased to invited interested persons to the next webinar entitled, "loT: the Internet of Tractors". The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 22 at 9 a.m EDT. About the webinar Rapid urbanization, aging farm populations, and depleting rural labor resources pose serious threats to our global food security. As rural labor resources come under continued pressure, tractors are the answer. When available, tractors can work 40x faster and be significantly less expensive than off-farm labor. Most farmers, however, can't afford to own their own...
  • Extending the Benefits: Gender-Equitable, ICT-Enabled Agricultural Development

    "Extending the Benefits: Gender-Equitable, ICT-Enabled Agricultural Development" is the title of Module 4 in the Revised ICT e-Sourcebook on ICTs in Agriculture . This module focuses on the benefits of ICTs when made available to men and women working in agriculture and rural areas. The module examines the challenges that must be overcome and provides recommendations for rural communities to take full advanatges of ICTs. The module begins by contextualising the issues of gender equality with the 2010 Agenda, it notes that on average about 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing...
  • ITU Report "Fast-forward progress: Leveraging tech to achieve the Global Goals" Showcases Role of ICTs in Accelerating SDG Achievement

    The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) launched a report titled, ‘Fast-forward progress: Leveraging tech to achieve the Global Goals" that shares perspectives from 20 UN heads on how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are critical for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report presents five key findings and recommendations: No one must remain offline ICTs are an accelerator for innovation and change ICTs must support human needs during crises ICT-enabled services must reach the poorest and most marginalized New, innovative and multi-stakeholder partnerships...
  • Creating scalable, engaging mobile solutions for agriculture

    The GSMA mAgri programme just released a report entitled, " Creating scalable, engaging mobile solutions for agriculture ". This is a result of a study which lasted three years within the mNutrition Inititative portfolio. The mNutrition initiative portfolio covers six countries with the following projects, (i) Vodafone Ghana (Farmers'Club) with 300K users; (ii) Dialog Sri Lanka (Govi Mithuru) with 320K users, (iii) Grameenphone Bangladesh (GP Krishi Sheba) with 760K users, (iv) Airtel Malawi (M'chikumbe) with 560K users, (v) Telenor Pakistan (Khushhaal Zamindar), (vi) Ooredoo Myanmar (Site...
  • Cost-sharing initiative for the set-up of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) services for agriculture in six ACP countries

    Cost-sharing initiative for the set-up of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) services for agriculture in six ACP countries Text taken from CTA website Background Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)—or drones—allow capturing and analysis of agricultural data at high spatial resolution, including status of the land, crops and farm infrastructure contributing to more effective management. UAS operators are typically young entrepreneurs who invest in the equipment, learn the skills to use it, help analyse the data and interpret the findings for the benefit of farmers, their clients. Such services can help...
  • Update - Call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs in agriculture

    One month after the deadline the e-Agriculture Team would like to update the members of the Community of Practice of the outcome of the call for good and promising practices. We have received many interesting submissions and after a review process by the 3 jury members we have selected 15 good and promising practices . The jury was composed of: Jorge Chavez-Tafur from CTA (Experience Capitalization Expert) Dr. Simone Sala from FAO (ICT for Agriculture Expert) Alice Van der Elstraeten from FAO (e-Agriculture Team Member) All participants in the call for good and promising practices will...