
Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

Posts on the topic "Digital technologies in Agriculture (ICTs)"

  • ICT4Ag webinar: The new technologies that will achieve food security

    ICT4Ag: The New Technologies That Will Achieve Food Security Date Tue, October 17, 2017 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM PDT Description This webinar, ICT4Ag: The New Technologies That Will Achieve Food Security, is part of an ongoing series around ICT4D, that is exploring new ICT innovations. The participants...
  • French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp)

    The French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp) is now available online and is hosted on the FAO E-Learning Centre . One can access the FAO E-Learning Centre and register and be able to have a free access to the e-learning module through this www.fao.org/elearning/#/elc/fr/course/EXCAP There us also an option to download the module for offline access to the training materials on ones computer or mobile device (268 MB) About the course Experience capitalization is a systematic, interactive and participatory process through which an experience is...
  • G7 ICT and Industry Ministers’ declaration making the next production revolution inclusive, open and secure

    The G7 ICT Ministers met in Turin, Italy for two days on 25-26 September 2017. The talks focused on openness, security and the support for innovation through the empowerment of small and medium companies. The Ministers acknowledged the fact that the technologic transformation has the potential for farreaching effects to productivity, employment, skills, economic growth, trade, well-being and the environment. Talks then focused on areas such as artificial intelligence, datafication and innovation, and the experts came up with recommendations to educate politicians, faith leaders, opinion...
  • Stories from the field: Going to scale with ICTs for agriculture

    ICTs in agriculture have a huge potential: they can increase agricultural yields or help farmers get a fairer price for their produce. Farmers now have access to farm mapping, weather data, marketing tools, financial credit, advice from extension workers, and social networks thanks to SMS applications, mobile banking and satellite data. However, there are some limits to the reach of ICTs in rural areas: poor internet connectivity, high illiteracy rates and the inability of pilot projects to go to scale due to the lack of long-term funding or not having measures for their sustainability. This...
  • Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood

    Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood Date Wednesday 22 November 2017 Location SCI, London, UK Description Harnessing the power of Big Data to generate new insights, practices and products is one of the key priorities of today's AgriFood supply chain. Numerous sensors and connected devices are...
  • World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17)

    World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) Date 9 to 20 October 2017 Location Buenos Aires, Argentina Description The conference is convened to consider topics, projects and programmes relevant to telecommunication development. The theme of WTDC-17 is "ICT for Sustainable Development...
  • ITU Telecom World 2017

    ITU Telecom World 2017 Date 25-28 September 2017 Location Busan, Republic of Korea Description The ITU Telecom World 2017 will take place from 25-28 September in Busan, Republic of Korea, a smart city in one of the most technology advanced nations in the world. The ITU Telecom World is a global...
  • ITU Telecom World 2017

    The ITU Telecom World 2017 will take place from 25-28 September in Busan, Republic of Korea, a smart city in one of the most technology advanced nations in the world. The ITU Telecom World is a global platform for tech SMEs, corporates and governments, where policy makers and regulators meet industry experts, investors, SMEs, entrepreneurs and innovators to explore partnerships solutions, debate and share ideas and bring smart technologies together with smart ideas. The ITU will present on this occasion the Telecom World Awards to celebrate innovation and creativity by aiming to recognize the...
  • Agri-Innovation summit Lisbon 2017

    Agri-Innovation summit Lisbon 2017 Date From 11/10/2017 to 12/10/2017 Location Lisbon, Portugal Description The AIS 2017 is a joint initiative of a Portuguese consortium, the Portuguese Government, the EIP-AGRI network and the European Network for Rural Development. It will gather around 500...
  • Launch of the WSIS Forum 2018 Open Consultation Process

    Following the successful holding of WSIS Forum 2017, ITU has opened up the WSIS Forum 2018 consultation process. The Open Consultation Process OCP is a multistakeholder preparatory process where entities are actively engaged to ensure broad ownership and further improvements of the forum. The...