
ICTforAg2017 Conference - New Technology for Smallholder Farmers

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ICTforAg2017 Conference - New Technology for Smallholder Farmers

ICTforAg2017 conference will bring together 300 thought leaders and decision-makers in agriculture and technology from the international development community and the private sector. With community-driven sessions, participants will examine how new innovations can empower smallholder farmers, and the communities that support them, through information and communication technologies (ICTs).

The conference will take a particular interest in new ICT solutions that can boost the productivity of both smallholder farmers and agricultural value chains, keeping the discussion inclusive of all possible ICTs, including traditional media platforms, agribusiness IT systems, and existing government support systems.

ICTforAg 2017 will concentrate on four focus areas:

  1. Where are Digital Financial Services improving farmer finances?
  2. How can Digital Extension Services succeed where analog versions have failed?
  3. What does Private Sector Partnerships – Version 2.0 look like?
  4. Where is Climate Smart Agriculture having impact in mitigating increased variability?

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Peter Balaba
Peter BalabaNakaseke Community TelecentreUganda

I wish to make my little sumission to the above subject; In Nakaseke Tecelentre we established a frontlinesms- Cloud version where we have 1387 farmers and  96 buyers who communicate to each other through the platform. We route out sms on a weekly basis to update farmers on the current market prices and weather from www.yr.no   this project was supported by  Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands and Uganda Investment  Authority to curry out the baseline research  and trainings to staff and farmers.

Farmers are now very happy because they have been able to access accurate agricultural price information  and they always call  the center to findout the potential buyers.

To me I feel that such Open source platforms should employed to reachout to farmer's information needs.