
Wednesday 25 October: Participants Panel and Peer Assist

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Wednesday 25 October: Participants Panel and Peer Assist

  • Participants panel - live session on Adobe Connect
  • Peer assist - written discussion on this page of the platform

Participants panel

Today the floor is yours!  Before and at the beginning of our learning activity we launched a call to all participants asking if they wanted to present their experience in a participant's panel. And this is the result. Take a look at the subject of the presentations of today's live session and join us to learn more from other participants. Would you like to share something on the spot? If time allows we will give you the floor too! This is a live webinar on Adobe Connect, similar to the other webinars, but now the presenters are participants. 

Live session: Participants Panel

When: Wednesday 25 October - 2 PM UTC - 4 PM Central European Summer Time 

Link: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/e-agdrones4/ 

Log in as a Guest by entering your name.

Topics and presenters on the Participants Panel

Subi Thomas is the Director and Founder of iDrones Services Limited, a  company that was set up in 2006 a small agricultural town in the Southern Province of Zambia, Choma. The company focusses on improving agriculture using drones and hope to help farmers with efficient data farm management and prepare them to transit to precision agriculture.

Abdelaziz Lawani is an Ag-economist and researcher at the University of Kentucky. He is also the founder of Global Partners, a Benin- based drone services provider. His research lies at the intersection of development, environmental economics and data science. He is currently working on the use of drones and satellite data for agriculture. He will present two projects: a biodiversity conservation program with low-range drones and the project UAV4Ag and his experience of providing farmers with drone services and the research on farmers’ willingness to pay for drone services.

Hamza Rkha Chaham is the Head of International Strategy at AIRINOV. AIRINOV is one of the pioneers and leaders of drone based farming applications. AIRINOV has trained many agripreneurs in Africa to enable them to start delivering drone services in the different countries of the continent. 

Peer assist - written discussion at the bottom of this page

Today we also organize a peer assist. What does this mean?

"The Peer Assist is a tool which supports a ‘learning before doing’ processes in which advice is sought from someone else, or a group that has/have done something similar. This tool encourages participatory learning, by asking those with experience in certain activities to assist those wishing to benefit from their knowledge, through a systematic process, towards strengthened mutual learning. (Definition FAO http://www.fao.org/elearning/course/FK/en/pdf/trainerresources/PG_PeerAssist.pdf)"

So, what does this mean in practice? There are over 700 participants that subscribed for this activity from all over the world. On this page you can post a particular challenge or problem you are facing or a technical question you might have. The idea is that one of your peers will help you to find a solution by sharing his or hers knowledge on the topic and that you help the others find solutions to their questions or problems. 

In order to get the most out of this activity please follow this simple guidelines:

  1. Try to be as specific as possible when you are sharing a challenge, problem or question (give brief context so others can understand)
  2. Consider this a brainstorm - finding solutions to a problem goes with trial and error - so do not overthink your replies
  3. Use one thread of comments for one specific problem (by this I mean practically that if you reply to someone's challenge or question you comment to the comment of that person so the messages are linked) - When you are sharing a new problem, start a new thread.

The e-Agriculture Team will facilitate this exercise by trying to encourage all registered participants to engage in this activity and to contribute based on their knowledge. The results of the discussions will be summarized so they can be shared and used also after the activity. If you have any questions on this activity let us know at [email protected] 

The most important thing for today is participate, participate and participate! Comment on the topic of today to start the discussion! And remember - in order to be able to post a comment to this page you need to log in! 

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Just to post a fictive example, so you have an idea on what kind of questions you can post here!

Hello, My name is John and I am a farmer. In our region we mainly cultivate potatoes. We would like to work together with several farmers in the region to buy a drone and to monitor our crops to improve the production, but how do we start? Anyone has a similar experience and can share some information? 


Andrea DI Sabatino
Andrea DI SabatinoMacaroni Bros s.n.c.Italy

test comment on a forum topic

Erik van Ingen
Erik van IngenUN/FAOItaly

Last week I went with my colleagues to Zimbabwe experiment mapping  forestry and shrubs in order to start developing a methodology which can be used on a larger scale. This is the first report:



Boika Mahambi
Boika MahambiIRDACDemocratic Republic of the Congo
Let me share our first UAV experience. We benefitted from capacity building funded by CTA to start our activities. As our services in precision agriculture and forestry are still in a developing stage and we need to do more research to be able to demonstrate results in increasing crop yields and monitoring crop stress and water levels in the soil using drones, there is also a need for additional funding. 
I would like to show that we work the local agriculture et forest context in DRC:
1/ agriculture context: 
- caracterised by small poor farmers scale working generaly for family livelihods (subsistance) without access to Bank credite;
- very limited capability to use chimical intrant. 
- very small agro industrial scale. 
- The few company working in the country ( around Kinshasa, Bateke plateau ) which were contacting need to know more about beneficial income to bring for UAV before involved. 
Regarding constraints (low access of small farmers to the service, and need of more income to bring by UAV technologies)  IRDAC is planning to change its strategies  focusing for the following six months the work on demonstration (pilots) working closely with some small-scale farmers and cooperatives in Bateke Plateau near Kinshasa, in Kongo central province (women association in Kasangulu near Kinshasa - COFED, etc.).
We need to work closely with the national research institution to help in demonstrating results in this stage ( INERA was contacted, some other university too)
We are also are trying to contact and look for FAO national office in DRC to help because FAO is the great institution which capabilities to help in that matter. IRDAC is the lead local organisation trying to promote use of UAV in Precision Ag and forest monitoring but de have very less support in national level.
2/ Forest monitoring
DRC have been involved  in REDD+ to promote more sustainability and agriculture impact in forest arounding. So, IRDAC plane to help farmers to use a drone in the monitoring of forest impact around farmlands. This will be a big contribution to REDD process in local scale. But, this is too un developing stage as well PrecisionAg.
This is our little experience, with a lot of constraints, in the national context in RDC, that I wanted to share with the other participants. 
Comments of webinar attendees are welcome. I cannot join the direct discussion but I can read your comment to my post! 
warm regards, 
Barthélemy Boika 
Technical Director / IRDAC
Kinshasa/ DRC