
Excellent discussion, let's keep working on these important issues

Excellent discussion, let's keep working on these important issues

The ideas, sharing and discussion going on in this forum is super! :D It is great to see different perspectives coming together in a productive manner. This is so important for us to be able to learn. Thank you! Please continue sharing your thoughts here. On Monday we will provide some new inputs. cheers, Michael (FAO)
HeleneUnited States of America

Hi, I noticed a post or two mentioning the power of the mobile phone to bring communities together and help them organize either into cooperatives or other kinds of groups. Are you aware of projects specifically aiming to do this? One project I find rather unique and very interesting in its application to cooperatives is [url=http://www.digitalicslatino.org/]DigitalICS[/url] developed by Yael Schwartzman and Tapan Parikh (Berkeley). It's a mobile phone based data gathering system that bring efficiency to the quality requirement enforcing and organic certification process. What do people think about this? Would it work well in the areas you are familiar with? They estimate that the co-op they have been working with will be making savings of over $4000 a year. Héléne Martin [email protected] [url=www.applab.org]www.applab.org[/url]