
2018 News and Events

2018 News and Events

  • e-Agriculture Twitter members clock 46,000

    The e-Agriculture Community of Practice now has 46,000 members, and invites you to follow us at @FAOeagriculture . By following us you have a chance to receive updates from us and our community of partners in real time, and also you are able to participate in various twitter chats from us and the community. Besides Twitter, one can also register on our platform to receive news, newsletter and various updates that we offer. Periodically, the e-Agriculture CoP also holds e-forum discussions , webinars and learning activities . We are also available on LinkedIn . Why not follow us today e-...
  • Report on the Building a Framework for Digital Innovation in Agriculture WSIS Session

    The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) sponsored the WSIS Forum Session entitled, ‘ Building a Framework for Digital Innovation in Agriculture ’ under the WSIS Action Line C7-ICT Applications (e-Agriculture). The session advocated for the enhancement of digital innovation for the poorest within agriculture through developing a framework of application to support them. Digital innovation and ICTs have a great potential to transform the approach in 17 SDGs, yet within FAO scope also particularly 1, 2, 8, and 13. Meeting highlights Mr...
  • Focus on WSIS Forum 2018

    This year’s World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum was held on the 19-23rd of March 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland under the theme “ Leveraging ICTs to Build Information and Knowledge Societies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ”. While each WSIS Forum is different, each edition is preceded by the Open Consultation Process that enable members to come up with an agenda. The final WSIS meetings is comprised of, Best Practices, WSIS Prizes, Special Tracks and High level panels. In 2018, the WSIS debate focused on how to achieve the sustainable development goals (...
  • Apply for WomenConnect Challenge

    The WomenConnect Challenge is open for applications, which can be submitted until the 4th of May 2018. We invite all eligible e-Agriculture CoP members to apply. Those seeking to apply should take notice of the following timelines March 28th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: RFA Question Submissions due April 2, 2018 at 10:00 am ET: Join the WomenConnect Questions Webinar or download recording May 4th, 2018 at 12:00 pm ET: Applications due This challenge comes amidst the discussion of the digital gender divide. It is accepted that technology is changing the world in a number of ways, for example...
  • ICT4D Conference Agenda published

    The ICT4D conference agenda has been published and with a number of presentation and talks in ICTs for Agriculture and the environment, browse the full programme here . The conference has more than 200 panels, keynotes, case studies, and workshops in core ICT4D disciplines. The agenda is rich with a variety of topics, some of the exciting topics for e-Agriculture CoP include:- Digital Agriculture: Scale and Sustainability through Government Partnership and Ownership Driving Digital and Financial Inclusion that leaves no one behind From Satellites to stalk borers: using earth observation to...
  • 'Data Driven Services for Farmer Led Business" Webinar by GFAR/CTA/GODAN

    GFAR/CTA/GODAN invites interested persons to a webinar "Data Driven Services for Farmer led Business" to be held on Thursday the 5th of April, 2018 This webinar is part of the work on farmers’ rights to data and following up on the face-to-face course on Farmers’ Access to Data organized in Centurion in November 2017, GFAR continues its collaboration with the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN) and the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperarion (CTA) on a series of webinars on data-driven agriculture, its opportunities and its challenges. More...
  • Invitation for submissions to the ‘Fall Armyworm Tech Prize”

    The Feed the Future initiative and the Challenge Prize Centre and partners , launched the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize , to stimulate usage of digital tools and approaches to provide solutions to help combat the fall armyworm The Fall Armyworm has ravaged the crops in sub-Saharan Africa and mostly affected maize, although it can feed on other crops such as rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, cotton and vegetable crops. The Food and Agriculture Organization launched a guide that seeks to guide efforts in tackling the FAW in Africa and also a dedicated portal to support the fight against the FAW...
  • Discover AI and Machine Learning for Aid and Development

    It is widely believed that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will change the world, but how much are those innovations already contributing to improving the world? This webinar (part of an ongoing series around ICT4D) will explore how AI and machine learning tools can be applied and...
  • This week, the Mobile Learning Week 2018 is in session

    Today the 29th of March to the 30th of March begins the UNESCO/ITU annual flagship ICT in education event surnamed ‘Mobile Learning Week’. The 2018 edition is held under the theme, “ Skills for a connected world ” and will examine the skills needed in and for a connected economy and would also focus on digital skills and competencies. Mobile learning week brings together "experts practitioners and policy-makers from around the world to share ideas and best practices on ways to use ubiquitous mobile technology to support learning for all, particularly disadvantaged communities"- UNESCO news ...
  • WSIS Prizes 2018: Winners published

    WSIS Prizes 2018 winners have been published by WSIS. These winners represent the respective 18 WSIS Action lines, as outlined in the Geneva Plan of Action. The specific category winners can be read here The E-Agriculture Category In the E-Agriculture projects are covered by the Action Line C7: E-Agriculture and 27 projects were nominated. From the 27 projects, 5 were nominated as Champions in the E-Agriculture Category. These are, Hushu Smart Agricultural Center IoT project , Jiangsu post & telecommunications planning and designing institute Co, Ltd CHINA eSAP: a complete ICT Solution...