
2018 News and Events

2018 News and Events

  • Webinar: Using Digital Tools to Expand Agricultural Insurance

    In developing countries, there is little smallholder farmers can do to protect themselves from shock. When faced with unexpected volatility, they often turn to negative coping mechanisms like selling assets, reducing meals, or pulling children out of school. To address this, Digital Development for...
  • Drones in Agriculture, Free eBook Available

    ©CTA Agriculture has been one of the fastest adopters of drones and they are being implemented in the various agricultural practices. One of our colleagues discovered a free publication entitled, “ Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm ” which we share with all of you Title : Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm Author : DroneDeploy Publisher : TradePub.com Brief Review This publication offers practical help to farmers to implement drone solutions in their farms. Drone solutions have been used by...
  • Blockchain for Development, feedback from a webinar

    In January, l attended the webinar on Blockchain for Development, which was hosted by NETHOPE solutions. With the cryptocurrency buzz and the bitcoin bullish behavior l was curious to learn about this new technology and how it is applied in development and also how it can be assimilated within food and agriculture. The webinar title was “ Blockchain for Development: Moving from Hype to Reality ”. This was the fifth of the ongoing ICT4D webinar series by the NetHope community What is blockchain? It is a shared ledger that records the history of transactions -It cannot be altered without...
  • CTA Policy brief focuses on weather information services for smallholder farmers

    The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has published a policy brief that emphasize the importance of weather data, and its derived services for agriculture and nutrition and challenges in dealing with weather data value chain. Farmers need access to accurate and localized weather information to make evidence based farm management decisions which includes when to plant or to apply fertilizer. The Policy brief outlines the benefits of open data and specifically offer example where open data is useful within the farming practices. However, for weather data to be of...
  • WSIS Forum 2018 provide a spotlight on how ICTs can help eradicate poverty and hunger

    The International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) headquarters was a busy location with more than 2,500 ICT experts from around the world arriving for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The theme of WSIS Forum 2018 is ‘Leveraging ICTs to Build Information and Knowledge Societies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ’ and seeks to explore ways and possibilities that can help meet the sustainable development challenge. The UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterre set the meeting tone when he said, ‘in today’s digital world Internet access is imperative,...
  • Invitation to the AGRIS Webinar : AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers Webinar

    The AGRIS Team at the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , together with the Information Training & Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA ) , are pleased to invite you to attend a FREE online Webinar on: AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers Details of the Webinar Title AGRIS for Agricultural Information Data providers When: Friday, 6 April 2018 - 1400 – 1445 Hrs SAST ( South Africa Time to Local Time Conversion ) Target Audience The webinar is open to Existing and Potential Agricultural Information Data Providers in Africa Participation : Anyone...
  • International Day of Forests 2018 : Forests and Sustainable Cities

    The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees, such as tree planting campaigns. The theme for 2018 is Forests and Sustainable Cities. ©FAO Selected news on e-Agriculture related to Forestry and ICTs Application of ICTs in Forestry Management Can drones help reforest our forests? In...
  • aWhere Food Security Webinar

    Are you monitoring food security risk locally or regionally? Would localized food security information be a value to your organization? Are you concerned about where and when a population would come into significant food insecurity stress? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, aWhere can help. Learn more about aWhere’s Ag-Intelligence platform and its value to governments and NGO's in identifying Populations at Risk. We invite you to a Food Security webinar presented by aWhere’s co-founder and agricultural climatologist, John Corbett. See examples of how Our innovative platform...
  • Highlights of the symposium on farmers’ access to data

    GFAR has just published the highlights of the farmer’s access to data symposium which was held in November 2017 in Centurion, South Africa. And as an outcome, a white paper on ‘ Digital and data-driven agriculture – enhancing use of data by smallholders ’ will soon be co-published by GFAR , GODAN and CTA . The symposium had three panels that ran all on the 24th of November 2017. The panel themes were, ' Data and Farmers ', ' Digital Agriculture - Challenges and Opportunities ' and ' Fair and Equitable open data ' which represented panel 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Panel Theme Video Panel 1 on “...
  • e-Agriculture Newsletter for March is out

    The e-Agriculture monthly newsletter for March has been published to subscribed members. This months' newsletter focuses on Women, Girls and ICT , as explained in the lead article that the month of March has many activities that focus on ICTs and Women. Coincidentally, the in March a new publication, GENDER AND ICTs : Mainstreaming gender in the use of ICTs for agriculture and rural development , which was launched during the International Women's Day 2018 celebrations Other highights in the newsletter are : International Day of Women and Girls in Science : Reflections from Women in...