
December 2019 News and Events

December 2019 News and Events

  • WSIS Forum Photo Contest 2020

    WSIS is inviting you to picture how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs ) are playing an enabling role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participate in building a collage of ICT for Sustainable Development photographs from around the world. Send photos of your projects, people, and organizations that are leveraging the power of ICTs to make difference. Deadline for submissions: 3 February 2020 The three winning entries in the WSIS photo contest will be awarded and presented at the WSIS Forum 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition the winners will be invited...
  • African Development Bank launches digital tool to help African youth learn to code

    The African Development Bank and Microsoft have launched the ‘Coding for Employment’ digital training platform, an online tool to provide digital skills to African youth, wherever they are across the continent. The platform teaches technical courses like web development, design, data science and digital marketing, and will be constantly adapted to respond to market demand. The following resources are included Microsoft Digital Literacy 2019 Work with Computers Access Information Online Communicate Online Participate Safely and Responsibly Online Create Digital Content Collaborate and Manage...
  • FAO hosts Digital Innovation Dialogue on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture

    Rome. 10 December 2019. The IT Division in FAO hosted the Digital Innovation Dialogue session on blockchain for sustainability in agriculture where Foodcoin, AgriLedger, Ripe and FAO presented their blockchain projects. The session was held amidst many blockchain-based solutions, which are being piloted in many sectors, and this technology is finding innovative uses in a wide range of applications. In agriculture, pilots are already being implemented in supply chains, land registrations and to provide digital identities for farmers. For sustainable agriculture development, blockchain...
  • Digital Innovation Dialogue on Blockchain for Sustainability in Agriculture

    This Digital Innovation Dialogue will address the opportunities and challenges of using blockchain-based systems in agriculture, focusing the discussion around the following key questions: What challenges in agriculture would benefit from a blockchain-based solution? What are the pros and cons in...