
evaluation News and Events

  • Impacts of digitisation for agriculture

    ICT Update No. 93 published Over the last 20 years, the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has followed and reported on the changing landscape in ICTs for agriculture through the ICT Update . Last year, CTA published the Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report, 2018-2019 which advocated for the digital agricultural transformation that can feed the developing world, including Africa. ICT Update Issue 93 highlights This issue catalogues some projects and programmes CTA has done and how these are tackling the impacts of digitisation in agriculture. Some selected...
  • WSIS Forum Photo Contest 2020

    WSIS is inviting you to picture how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs ) are playing an enabling role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participate in building a collage of ICT for Sustainable Development photographs from around the world. Send photos of your projects, people, and organizations that are leveraging the power of ICTs to make difference. Deadline for submissions: 3 February 2020 The three winning entries in the WSIS photo contest will be awarded and presented at the WSIS Forum 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition the winners will be invited...
  • The Digitalisation of the African Agriculture Report Executive Summary Released

    In June, CTA published The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report, 2018-2019 which explained the agricultural transformation in Africa. The executive summary of this report has been published. The summary provides a glance of the Digital Agriculture in Africa statistics, includes the market opportunities, the D4Ag Solutions and various models that work in Africa. D4Ag in Africa at a glance : CTA With the right policies, innovation and investment, Africa’s agriculture could be transformed into a powerhouse not only to feed a growing population but to create decent employment for millions...
  • e-Agriculture Survey 2019

    The e-Agriculture team is launching a user survey to obtain feedback from the Community of Practice and interested users to better understand their needs, interaction on the platform and how content can be designed to meet their needs. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete and it will be open until the August 31, 2019. The e-Agriculture Community of Practice and the platform is in the process of being studied with a view to a redesigned solution that closely meet the needs of the community. Technology also provides a potential to better achieve the reach and needs of our...
  • FAO-ITU E-agriculture In Action: Big Data for Agriculture

    In continuation of the efforts to promote sustainable ICTs for agriculture and to share knowledge on emerging technologies that holds great promise for agriculture, FAO-ITU have released the next in the series of E-agriculture in Action publication. About the Big Data for Agriculture publication Entitled the E-agriculture in Action: Big Data for Agriculture this publication tries to highlight the ecosystem needed to support data driven agriculture with the help of case studies from leading organizations. Title : E-agriculture in Action: Big Data for Agriculture Card page : http://www.fao.org/...
  • FAO at the International Innovations Forum in the Agrarian Sector (Agrotech- 2019)

    The two-day International forum “Agroteh-2019 – Steps beyond the horizon,” was organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with FAO and the Russian Ministry of Agriculture in Moscow, and it focused on innovation as the central driving force to transform food systems, lift family farmers out of poverty and help the world to achieve food security, sustainable agriculture and the SDGs. Global digital networks and smart farms, the latest achievements of genetics and breeding, molecular biology and biotechnology – all this comes en masse to the agricultural...
  • e-Agriculture Community of Practice reaches 15,000

    The e-Agriculture community is now above 15,000 users . e-Agriculture is a global community of practice, where people from all over the world exchange information, ideas, and resources related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable agriculture and rural development. Becoming a member of e-Agriculture Community of Practice provides possibilities to: Connect with other community members and share experiences Follow news and blogs published on the e-Agriculture platform Shar e good practices in the use of ICTs in agriculture Learn about new digital trends...
  • Communities of Practices and Digital Integrated Platforms

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in conjunction with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) are organizing a parallel session during the WSIS 2019. The session is entitled ‘ Communities of Practices and Digital Integrated Platforms ’ and will be held on the 8th of April 2019 in Geneva, Swirtzerland with a possibility of online participation Details of the Session 16:30 - 18:15 on Monday the 8th of April 2019 Room K2, ITU Montbrillant Remote participate online click here About the session: ​Communities of Practices and Digital Integrated Platforms By 2050,...
  • First TECA Moderated discussion on the topic of Agricultural Mechanization

    The Technologies and Practices for Small Agricultural Producers (TECA) is an online platform that gathers successful agricultural technologies and practices to facilitate knowledge exchange and help family farmers in the field. Recently TECA has launched the first moderated discussion on the topic of Agricultural Mechanization and is done between FAO AGPM and the Young Professionals in Agriculture and Rural Development (YPARD). The online discussion will be held from the 3rd to the 15th of April 2019 and is addressing the question, “ Can mechanization drive youth into agriculture in Sub-...
  • Working in Agriculture? Using Digital Ag Tools? Please Fill Out This Survey!

    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has worked with Missions to integrate digital tools and technologies into Feed the Future activities since 2015, first through the U.S. Global Development Lab-led Digital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF) initiative and now through the Bureau for Food Security (BFS). BFS works with DAI’s Digital Frontiers project, a buy-in mechanism that allows Missions to receive digital solutions for resilience and food security assessments as well as program, project, activity design, and implementation support. As part of this work, DAI-led...