
advocacy News and Events

  • Open and Fair Data for Agriculture

    YITEDEV-Uganda is organising the Open and FAIR Data in Agriculture and Nutrition workshop with the main goal of unlocking the potential of weather, land and nutrition data to better the food value chain in Uganda.
  • Call for submissions: FARA essay competition

    Theme: “Engagement for impact in agricultural development. Experiences of the African youth” Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD) have launched an essay competition targeted at the youth to express their experiences in youth engagement initiatives across the region, especially in the context of agri-preneurship. The contributions will inform FARA and its constituents better on how to effectively engage with and feature youth and women in agriculture in the context of implementing FARA’s new strategy. A selection of...
  • Have you heard about Wikifarmer?

    Most of us are familiar with Wikipedia, which is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. What about Wikifarmer ? Similarly, it is a user created online farming library. Wikifarmer helps all farmers across the planet find valuable information regarding their existing or potential crops and livestock. The resource is designed to give practical solutions that can be applied by the average farmer. Wikifarmer is available in 8 languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Greek and Hindi. Users can...
  • Innovative Solutions and Technologies for Conservation

    Science and technology are transforming society and expanding the frontier of possibility. The field of biodiversity conservation can and should capitalize on the opportunities that emerging innovative solutions and technologies present. This side event will feature the UN Biodiversity Lab and...
  • Armenia to develop a national e-agriculture strategy

    On Monday 19 November 2018, FAO is organizing a workshop on “ The development of a national e-agriculture strategy for Armeni a” within the framework of the EU-funded FAO project “ ENPARD Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia ”. The workshop will provide the opportunity to understand how Armenia can develop its national e-agriculture strategy. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have long been recognized as key enablers for bridging the digital divide and achieving the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic growth,...
  • South-South cooperation on agriculture a key ingredient for Zero Hunger

    The full item of this news appeared on the FAO News , we reproduce just the first part for our readers and we direct them to the original source : e-Agriculture Editor. 2 November 2018, Changsha CHINA - Government representatives attending the Ministerial Forum on South-South Cooperation in Agriculture have today committed to greater South-South cooperation on agriculture and rural development to increase momentum towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of ending poverty and hunger. The Changsha Declaration, formalized at the end of today's forum, sets out plans to include South-...
  • Digital Inclusion and a Trusted Internet

    As development programmes increasingly deploy digital tools and invest in increasing access, we need to engage with issues of data security and cybersecurity in a more informed and comprehensive way. The report Digital Inclusion and a Trusted Internet: The Role of the International Development...
  • Call for Speakers to the 11th ICT4D Conference

    The ICT4D Conference organising committee is pleased to announce the "Call for Speakers" to the 11th ICT4D conference which will take place on April 30th to May 3rd 2019 in Kampala, Uganda. ICT4D conference is a yearly gathering that bring together public, private and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community. Participants share how they have used innovations in technology to solve today's humanitarian and developmental issues and also how ICTs increase impact of their work. Conference themes for 2019 Agriculture Digital Financial...
  • A treatise on “navigating extension advisory services through digital disruption”

    By Dr. Shaik N Meera (and summarized for e-Agriculture News) Extension services and extension professionals face a disrupted extension advisory services opines Dr Shaik N Meera in a recent blog. The disruption comes as technology services and farmers’ centric approaches which offer extension-like services are on the increase. Extension Advisory Services (EAS) delivery in India have limited scale, sustainability and impact. Globally, it is estimated that public extension systems’ outreach does not exceed 6.8 per cent of farmers (GFRAS, 2012). Do current extension services meet the needs of the...
  • Paper-to-Mobile Data Collection: A manual

    Collecting data in the field has always been a headache for researchers, students, aid projects, and international organizations alike. Thanks to technology, we can now collect data through using mobile technology and replace the traditional approaches. Despite the advances in technology, haphazardly collected data tends to be a headache to analyse. In order to support the use of mobile phones and other handheld devices, US Global Development Lab and their partners have published the “ Paper-to-Mobile Data Collection” manual. Paper-to-Mobile Data Collection: A manual This manual was designed...