
advocacy News and Events

  • Drones and Fly week

    International Data Week (IDW) will be co-located with SciDataCon, CODATA and Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) 12th Plenary in Gaborone, Botswana, November 5-8, 2018. IDW is set to be a unique gathering of data professionals from all corners of the earth. Since many have begun to use drones/RPAS/sUAS1...
  • Webinar: Farmers'rights on data and ownership issues

    What do we mean by the farmers’ rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? There is no doubt that data-driven agriculture has increased agricultural production and productivity; reduced the risk and improved...
  • Webinar: Farmers'rights on data and ownership issues

    GODAN partners have scheduled a webinar on farmers'rights on data and ownership issues , on the 18th of September 2018 at 4:00 PM- 5:00 PM CEST. The webinar will address the following questions:- What do we mean by the farmers' rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? Register here About the webinar What do we mean by the farmers’ rights to data? Who owns data? Who is entitled to the value of the data? What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector? There is no doubt that data-driven agriculture...
  • Free online e-conference on responding to the fall armyworm outbreak in Africa

    Free online e-conference on responding to the fall armyworm outbreak in Africa, 22-26 October Two years ago, fall armyworm (FAW) arrived in Africa. What we have learned so far? What are effective strategies in reaching farmers across the continent? How effective have responses so far been? What are...
  • Youth in Agriculture as Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa

    The 20th and 21st of August was a hive of activity at the Kigali Conference Centre, where the youth from more than 40 countries, their ministers, government officials and international developmental partners led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations participated in the youth in employment conference. This conference was co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (Republic of Rwanda), the Food and Agriculture Organization and the African Union (AU). The conference comes as facts indicate that over 60% of Africa’s estimated 1,2 billion people are...
  • Highlights of the e-consultation on "Ethical, legal and policy aspects of data sharing affecting farmers"

    The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition initiative (GODAN), the Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) held an e-consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting smallholder farmers. The forum took place on the e-Agriculture platform from 4th till 8th of June 2018.The purpose of the e-consultation was to solicit views from the community on issues affecting smallholder farmers in developing countries...
  • The Inspire Challenge

    The CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agricultur e has announced “ The Inspire Challenge ” which calls upon partners, universities, and others to use CGIAR data to create innovative pilots projects that can be scaled up. The winning teams will receive $100,000 to put their ideas into practice and the teams will be given 12 months to implement small-scale proof of concepts pilots to demonstrate viability. “We’re looking for novel approaches that democratize data-driven insights to inform local, national, regional, and global policies and applications in agriculture and food security in real time...
  • Invitation to the Interest Group in Agricultural Data (IGAD) Pre-Meeting P12 in Gaborone, Botswana

    Interested e-Agriculture CoP members are invited to the Botswana Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) meeting in Gaborone, Botswana on the 5 -6th of November 2018. The Theme of the meeting is " Data Collection in Africa: State of the Art, Challenges and Solutions " Overview of the events On November 5 , the IGAD community members will organize a one-day meeting dedicated to the theme “How agriculture in Africa can benefit from data collection”. During this day, IGAD would like (i) to explore data collection practices in Africa and challenges associated to it...
  • Digital innovations designed to tackle the Fall Armyworm

    The finalists of the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize In the beginning of the year we posed the question, Can ICTs be used to fight pest’s outbreaks ? Such as the Fall Armyworm? At that time the two initiatives by Farm Radio Trust and CABIs Pest Risk Information Service) PRISE stood out. Recently, we just announced FAO and Pennsylvania State University launched the Nuru app for the Fall Armyworm. In 6 months, thanks to the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize, a number of ICT-based initiatives have come to the fore. The Finalist in the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize On March 28, 2018, Feed the Future and its partners...
  • aWhere: providing weather-based tips for smallholder farmers

    Location specific and timely advice to improve productivity and climate resilience among smallholder farmers Farmers in developing countries have a challenge of accessing localized weather data. Recently the e-Agriculture Team at FAO and aWhere published a Promising Practice that explains how aWhere can provide weather-based data and tips for smallholder farmers. aWhere delivers agricultural intelligence to farmers, crop consultants and researchers all over the world. How does aWhere achieve this? “The company aims at making agronomic and weather data available to farmers through...