
Applied ICTs News and Events

  • KARLO launches 14 mobile apps to transform agriculture

    During the East African Farmers Digital Conference , Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KARLO) launched 14 agribusiness apps to help farmers in making farming choices and decisions. This development comes as agricultural industry in Africa is experiencing a growth in technology driven applications – from drones, apps, GIS and many others. These digitization efforts in agriculture allows farmers to access markets, improve their farming practices as well as to predict weather accurately. KARLO seeks to give farmers research based information they need, and the organization...
  • OpenPD – An App to help urban farmers and others

    From the balcony of their apartments, to the backyards, and also small plots most urban dwellers grow crops and other plants. Urban and Peri-urban agriculture is instrumental in providing food products such as grains, root crops, vegetables, mushrooms and also small animals like rabbits, goats, fish etc. as well as non-food items such as herbs, ornamental plants. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) does support urban and peri-urban agriculture. Most urbanites farmers are perplexed when the crops they love fall prey to pests and diseases, for example caterpillars...
  • Agro-Weather Tool for Climate Smart Agriculture

    A promising practice on the use of ICTs in weather-data for farmers Many small holder farmers in developing countries have faced huge challenges as a result of climate change induced weather effects. Most of these farmers rely on traditional methods to understand weather predictions. Localised weather data is essential for farm based decisions such as when to plant, yet farmers can access reliable and usable weather data. If such information is available, the quality is poor or it’s inaccessible to the communities that need it most. In order to support Kenyan farmers, the Kenyan Agricultural...
  • The future of Africa’s Agriculture rests with the youth

    Research findings by the youth at Mastercard Foundation Rome – Africa is in the height of a crisis and an opportunity. Africa’s population stands at 1,2 billion people and over 60% are below the age of 25. Yet most African youths are not employed, and according to the World Bank by 2035, 350 million new jobs will be needed . Africa’s population is growing faster than jobs are created. There is a potential for agriculture to create employment, however, African youths in Sub-Saharan Africa do not realize agriculture as a profitable opportunity for livelihood. There is a growing notion that the...
  • aWhere: providing weather-based tips for smallholder farmers

    Location specific and timely advice to improve productivity and climate resilience among smallholder farmers Farmers in developing countries have a challenge of accessing localized weather data. Recently the e-Agriculture Team at FAO and aWhere published a Promising Practice that explains how aWhere can provide weather-based data and tips for smallholder farmers. aWhere delivers agricultural intelligence to farmers, crop consultants and researchers all over the world. How does aWhere achieve this? “The company aims at making agronomic and weather data available to farmers through...
  • Cracking the Nut 18

    Cracking the Nut 18 : Promoting Agricultural Technology Adoption and Resilience Cracking the Nut 18 conference focuses on encouraging the uptake of new technologies for agriculture and access to finance in a way that promotes resilience. This two-day event will bring together approximately 300 of...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on Transformative Digital Extension delivery and smallholder farm marketing in Zimbabwe through the Kurima Mari Mobile app

    The e-Agriculture Team in conjuction with Welthungerhilfe, Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Land, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement (Midlands, Zimbabwe) invites interested persons to the webinar on "Transformative Digital Extension delivery and smallholder farm marketing in Zimbabwe through the Kurima Mari Mobile app " Details of the webinar The webinar details are as follows Date : Thursday 14th of June 2018 Time : 11:00 hrs (Rome Time) Registration : Click here About this webinar This webinar that will be jointly presented by Welthungerhilfe and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural...
  • Join the E-Consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting farmers from 4 to 8 June, 2018 on e-Agriculture

    GODAN, Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), Technical Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL) will hold an e-consultation on ethical, legal and policy aspects of open data affecting smallholder farmers from 4 to 8 June 2018. To participate click here Data-driven agriculture is expected to increase agricultural production and productivity. It can help farmers adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change. It can also bring about more economic and efficient use of natural resources,...
  • Recording of the e-Agriculture webinar on the FarmerLink in the Philippines: Digital Innovation for Agriculture

    On the 25th of April 2018 the e-Agriculture team organized a webinar in partnership with Grameen Foundation on the FarmerLink in the Philippines: Digital Innovation for Agriculture . The webinar presented the strategy used to develop and deploy FarmerLink, and review results of an 18-month pilot implementation.You can watch the presentation here Grameen Foundation, in collaboration with the Philippine Coconut Authority, Franklin Baker, and People’s Bank of Caraga launched FarmerLink to increase farming households’ incomes and resilience by improving their productivity, providing them access...