
Applied ICTs News and Events

  • Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit

    The purpose of the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit is to provide an opportunity for cross-sector networking and knowledge exchange within climate smart agriculture in Africa. The following stakeholders, regional governments and policy makers, private sector and research organisations, UN...
  • Launch of WeRobotics Online Training Academy

    WeRobotics has just announced the WeRobotics Online Training Academy to provide professional training on the use of drones by developmental agencies.The academy is co-managed with TechChange who have offered dynamic online training platform and in 2017 they trained over 7,000 people from 155 countries. On the other hand, WeRobotics has provided trainings to many professionals in the following organizations the World Food Program (WFP), UN Development Program (UNDP), UNICEF , Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), local universities and many national &...
  • ICTs showcased within the Agroecology Symposium

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is hosting the 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology : Scaling Up agroecology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is underway. The 2nd symposium has gathered around 400 policy-makers, practitioners, academics and public and private sector representatives to discuss policies and actions to support scaling up agroecology. The aim of the Second International Symposium is to identify needs and problems that countries face in the adoption and implementation of agroecology, to evaluate the impact of dedicated...
  • ICT4D Conference Agenda published

    The ICT4D conference agenda has been published and with a number of presentation and talks in ICTs for Agriculture and the environment, browse the full programme here . The conference has more than 200 panels, keynotes, case studies, and workshops in core ICT4D disciplines. The agenda is rich with a variety of topics, some of the exciting topics for e-Agriculture CoP include:- Digital Agriculture: Scale and Sustainability through Government Partnership and Ownership Driving Digital and Financial Inclusion that leaves no one behind From Satellites to stalk borers: using earth observation to...
  • Webinar: Using Digital Tools to Expand Agricultural Insurance

    In developing countries, there is little smallholder farmers can do to protect themselves from shock. When faced with unexpected volatility, they often turn to negative coping mechanisms like selling assets, reducing meals, or pulling children out of school. To address this, Digital Development for...
  • Blockchain for Development, feedback from a webinar

    In January, l attended the webinar on Blockchain for Development, which was hosted by NETHOPE solutions. With the cryptocurrency buzz and the bitcoin bullish behavior l was curious to learn about this new technology and how it is applied in development and also how it can be assimilated within food and agriculture. The webinar title was “ Blockchain for Development: Moving from Hype to Reality ”. This was the fifth of the ongoing ICT4D webinar series by the NetHope community What is blockchain? It is a shared ledger that records the history of transactions -It cannot be altered without...
  • WSIS Forum 2018 provide a spotlight on how ICTs can help eradicate poverty and hunger

    The International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) headquarters was a busy location with more than 2,500 ICT experts from around the world arriving for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The theme of WSIS Forum 2018 is ‘Leveraging ICTs to Build Information and Knowledge Societies for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ’ and seeks to explore ways and possibilities that can help meet the sustainable development challenge. The UN Secretary General Mr. António Guterre set the meeting tone when he said, ‘in today’s digital world Internet access is imperative,...
  • The African Youth Agripreneur Forum

    The 2018 African Youth Agripreneur Forum and AgriPitch Competition will be held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 9 – 13 April 2018 under the theme “ Technologies and Innovations for Youth in Agribusiness ”. The Forum and the Competition will be co-hosted by the Government of Cote d’Ivoire and the...
  • International Women’s Day 2018 (#IWD2018) focuses on ICTs in Agriculture

    To mark International Women’s Day 2018 (#IWD2018), FAO, IFAD and WFP are organizing an event that will focus on how media and ICTs can empower rural women and girls to transform their lives. The empowerment of rural women and girls is a central element in the drive to eradicate poverty and hunger, and to build inclusive and sustainable rural societies. Leading specialists from the ICT sector will share testimonials of innovative interventions carried out by the Rome-based agencies and partners that have empowered women, strengthened rural livelihoods, and contributed to food and nutrition...
  • FAO develops a mobile phone app to monitor Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Africa

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has developed a new mobile phone application FAMEWS (Fall Armyworm Monitoring & Early Warning System) mobile app in English and French). The FAMEWS will help farmers and extension officers to collect and record information when scouting fields and checking pheromone traps for Fall Armyworm (FAW). The easy to use and intuitive app is meant to be used by countries affected by the FAW in Africa. Collected data can, once an internet connection is established, be transmitted to a centralized cloud by national FAW focal points before...