
decision-makers News and Events

  • African Green Revolution Forum 2017

    African Green Revolution Forum 2017 Date 4th - 8th September, 2017 Location Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire Description The African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) is a platform for global and African leaders to develop actionable plans that will move African agriculture forward. Established in 2010, the...
  • Livelihoods Asia Summit 2017

    Livelihoods Asia Summit 2017 Date December 13 and 14, 2017 Location New Delhi, India Description Now in its 7th year of execution, the Livelihoods Asia Summit 2017 learning will be held in New Delhi between December 13 and 14, 2017. This is a unique platform established to facilitate south south...
  • Webinar: Engaging African youth in agribusiness in a changing climate

    Webinar: Engaging African youth in agribusiness in a changing climate Date Wed, Aug 30, 2017 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CEST Description This webinar is a culmination of a month long online discussion organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), CGIAR...
  • Extending the Benefits: Gender-Equitable, ICT-Enabled Agricultural Development

    "Extending the Benefits: Gender-Equitable, ICT-Enabled Agricultural Development" is the title of Module 4 in the Revised ICT e-Sourcebook on ICTs in Agriculture . This module focuses on the benefits of ICTs when made available to men and women working in agriculture and rural areas. The module examines the challenges that must be overcome and provides recommendations for rural communities to take full advanatges of ICTs. The module begins by contextualising the issues of gender equality with the 2010 Agenda, it notes that on average about 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing...
  • Creating scalable, engaging mobile solutions for agriculture

    The GSMA mAgri programme just released a report entitled, " Creating scalable, engaging mobile solutions for agriculture ". This is a result of a study which lasted three years within the mNutrition Inititative portfolio. The mNutrition initiative portfolio covers six countries with the following projects, (i) Vodafone Ghana (Farmers'Club) with 300K users; (ii) Dialog Sri Lanka (Govi Mithuru) with 320K users, (iii) Grameenphone Bangladesh (GP Krishi Sheba) with 760K users, (iv) Airtel Malawi (M'chikumbe) with 560K users, (v) Telenor Pakistan (Khushhaal Zamindar), (vi) Ooredoo Myanmar (Site...
  • FAO Global Forest Survey: Assessing the status of the world forest resources and their changes over time

    The assessment of the status of the world forest resources and their changes over time can only be done through the collection of field data, which is not widely collected in developing countries, and it is generally not shared. Remote sensing is improving knowledge on the extent and spatial distribution of forests, but information on their health status and characteristics is very limited. FAO, with the support of the International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) of Germany , is implementing the Global...
  • Summary of Discussions: Week 3 of the e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition

    The third week of the e-forum discussion on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition continued with participants sharing tips on different investments that are needed to reap open data benefits. The question for week 3 was: What investments are needed to reap open data benefits and what precautions are needed to prevent damage to vulnerable farmers from opening data for agriculture and nutrition? Summary of contributions In this section a number of interesting contributions were made to the forum. Dr Muchiri opened the address with a powerful contribution that steered much debate from...
  • CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture: Transforming rural livelihoods with the power of information

    CGIAR launched the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, a new initiative that aims to convene researchers to use big data in order to help improve food security, resilience in the face climate change as well as encouraging rural development. Big data are immense stocks of information collected in computers worldwide, and it can be a potential resource for planning and decision-making. Applied to agriculture and rural development it can help give robust responses to some of the most important challenges of our time: climate change, food insecurity and environmental degradation. For this...