
decision-makers News and Events

  • e-Forum discussion on the Agriculture Open Data Package - AgPack.info

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the Global Open Data on Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) are inviting interested individuals to participate in this forum discussion on ' Agriculture Open Data Package ' to be held on the e-Agriculture Platform. The initial target audience are policy-makers, researchers, open data experts, and/or agricultural experts - however, any interested individuals are invited to participate. This forum discussion follows immediately after the e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition . Details of the...
  • FAO Director-General urges African agriculture ministers to tackle rural youth unemployment through investments and ICTs

    Youth employment should be at the center of any strategy to face economic and demographic challenges in Africa, the Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization José Graziano da Silva told a joint African Union - European Union meeting, hosted at FAO headquarters in Rome on July 2nd, 2017. In 2014 alone, about 11 million young people entered the labor market in Africa. Fostering sustainable agriculture and rural development is essential to absorb these millions of youth looking for a job. The problem is that young people see few opportunities in remaining in the traditional...
  • WSIS 2017 Outcomes

    More than 2,500 information and communication technology (ICT) experts from around the world took part from the 12th to the 16th of June 2017 in the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2017, where they exchanged knowledge and experiences to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . Sustainable development and ICT projects in key areas such as health, education, gender empowerment, the environment, infrastructure and innovation were the main focus of this year's forum. 500 high-level policy-makers from more than 150 countries participated in the process,...
  • Action Line C7: E-agriculture -Democratizing Digital Innovation in Agriculture

    Action Line C7: E-agriculture -Democratizing Digital Innovation in Agriculture Date Thursday, 15 June 2017, 09:00–10:45 hrs Location Room G2, ITU Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland. Remote participation is also available Description There are wide range of effective, replicable and sustainable examples...
  • FAO and ITU meet with Papua New Guinea's government to consult on the e-Agriculture strategy

    Papua New Guinea's Department of Agriculture & Livestock (DAL), the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), among other partners working on ICTs for agriculture, met in Port Moresby on May 30th, 2017 to consult on the e-agriculture strategy for Papua New Guinea. The aim of the meeting was to advance in the implementation and adoption of ICTs in the agricultural sector. Watch the video report on the consultation: Credits: EMTV Papua New Guinea's farmers (which represent the majority of the population) have always...
  • EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database

    The Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) was created by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) , a leading repository of information on the impact of disasters, in 1988. The Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) is a free database containing worldwide data on the occurrence and impact of over 20,000 natural and technological disasters from 1900 to the present day. The main objective of the database is to help by giving data instruments for humanitarian action at national and international levels. The initiative aims to be a basis for vulnerability assessment and to...
  • Introducing the new FAOSTAT: the world's largest database of food and agriculture statistics

    FAO introduced a new and updated FAOSTAT website , making the world's most comprehensive statistical database on food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, natural resource management and nutrition even more accessible. The updated web tool - in its fourth edition - incorporates multiple technology improvements as well as various easy-to-use innovations, full mobile device compatibility and new download options, which will significantly enhance the overall user experience. New FAO STAT Website FAOSTAT offers free, open and simple access to time series and cross-sectional data from 245 countries...
  • FAO Myanmar promotes the use of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction

    FAO Myanmar is promoting the usage of drones to enhance disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management in the agriculture sector. The project is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) of Myanmar and the Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University (MAEU) of the Ministry of Education. A training of 30 experts of the newly established MOALI Drone Mapping Team on the application of drone mapping technology for didaster risk reduction in agriculture was organized. “By using drones we will be able to update the maps, measure the fields and...
  • AQUASTAT: FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture

    AQUASTAT is FAO's global information system on water and agriculture. It collects, analyses and disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in global, regional and national analyses with comprehensive information related to water resources and agricultural water management across the world, with emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. AQUASTAT offers the user standardized data and tools to generate its own analysis. Ultimately, it aims to improve the user's understanding and monitoring of water resources,...