
farmers News and Events

  • Working in Agriculture? Using Digital Ag Tools? Please Fill Out This Survey!

    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has worked with Missions to integrate digital tools and technologies into Feed the Future activities since 2015, first through the U.S. Global Development Lab-led Digital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF) initiative and now through the Bureau for Food Security (BFS). BFS works with DAI’s Digital Frontiers project, a buy-in mechanism that allows Missions to receive digital solutions for resilience and food security assessments as well as program, project, activity design, and implementation support. As part of this work, DAI-led...
  • Innovative insurance service for farmers based on satellite data gets commercial follow up in Uganda

    In sub-Saharan Africa, smallholder farmers are vulnerable to risks associated with changing weather patterns. In Uganda, the SUM-Africa project provides satellite based drought Index Insurance to protect farmers. The SUM-Africa project is supported by the G4AW program of Netherlands Space Office (NSO) and recently a Dutch Company (EARS) signed a long term contract with Uganda Agro Insurance Consortium (AIC) to continue this service. What are agricultural index insurance? Agricultural index insurance products are linked to an index, such as temperature, rainfall, crop yield or...
  • Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture

    Since 2014, GFIA has helped over 25,000 farmers, growers and agribusinesses find innovations in sustainable agriculture. Now in its 6th edition, GFIA is one of the best attended agriculture events in the Middle East and the only one dedicated to sustainable agtech. 2019 Conference Theme : AI for...
  • E-Agriculture in Action: Blockchain for Agriculture

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) have recently published a title called, ‘ Blockchain for Agriculture, Opportunities and Challenges ’ as part of the E-Agriculture in Action series publications. This is part of the collaboration of working together of the two UN Agencies to work together to promote the use of sustainable information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture. The focus of the publication is on blockchain technology in agriculture. The aim of the book is to demystify the technology,...
  • e-Agriculture webinar on the impact of technology on sustainable agriculture

    The e-Agriculture and Aerobotics invite interested individuals to participate in this webinar below:- Title: The impact of Technology on sustainable agriculture Date : 7th of February 2019 Time : 16:00 hrs (Rome Time) [ What time is this? ] Register here Abstract Annually, farmers lose 15% of yield due to pests and diseases, for example this would equate to more than $300 million in South Africa alone. The rise of precision agriculture can not only reduce this loss and increase yields but also ensure that action is taken in a sustainable manner. How can modern technologies such as drones and...
  • e-Agriculture Case Study on E-KOKARI published

    You might be wondering, What is E-KOKARI? E-KOKARI is an interactive voice responsive (IVR) platform developed in Niger and it allows farmers, breeders and buyers to access information, advice, warnings and market prices in the field of agriculture and livestock. E-KOKARI allows farming communities in Niger to access timely and accurate information they need on the farm. In Niger, like in many parts of Africa, the use of mobile phones have increased and while French is a common language – not every farmer prefers it. Hence, E-KOKARI was developed to help farmers to access needed information...
  • Season's Greetings from e-Agriculture

    2018 has been a remarkable year for the e-Agriculture. We continued to foster the global community of practice through dialogue, information exchange and sharing of ideas related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable agriculture and rural development. We thank all our members, partners and those that collaborated with us to realise the activities in 2018. We began the year on a high note and boosted by the migration of the e-Agriculture website to a new corporate theme website in May of 2018. We would like to thank our users for the patience during...
  • "The use of ICTs for agriculture is a multi-stakeholder initiative..." an interview with FAO's Gerard Sylvester

    e-Agriculture interviews Mr. Gerard Sylvester (Knowledge and Information Management Officer) who is based at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Gerard has worked over the years in the area of e-Agriculture and recently co-organised the E-agriculture Solutions Forum 2018 with ITU and partners. Gerard sheds insights on a number of issues in ICTs for agriculture and especially the support to the formulation of the FAO-ITU E-Agriculture National Strategies . Gerard is published in ICTs for agriculture and a publication on "Blockchains" is in the press. Q1: could you briefly...
  • EIP-AGRI seminar: Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas

    “Multi-level strategies for digitising agriculture and rural areas”. This seminar will provide a platform for a stimulating debate on the importance of strategic planning to steer the digitisation of agriculture and rural areas, combining European, national, regional and local levels. The event...
  • Digital disruption in agriculture

    Perhaps the name sounds negative, but not until you dig deeper. The rate of technology change has affected many people, processes and sectors. With regards to agriculture, our colleagues published an article, ' digital disruption in agriculture ’. They premise that, the pace of digital disruption over the last two decades has been breathtaking, transforming every sector of the global economy, including agriculture. By using diverse technologies – smartphones, GPS, satellite imagery, big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things – farmers can optimize crop growth and farm...