
fishermen News and Events

  • Contribute to D4Ag Study – Digital Agriculture Platform Owners.

    This news item is reproduced for the benefit of e-Agriculture CoP members on behalf of the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) In collaboration with Dalberg Advisors , the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has launched a sector-defining research on the state of Digitalisation for Agriculture (D4Ag) in Africa. This research will explore the commercial potential of D4Ag, the progress made towards that potential to date, enablers and barriers along the pathway leading to D4Ags’ success in the next decade. To gather data on Digital Deployments...
  • Have you heard about Wikifarmer?

    Most of us are familiar with Wikipedia, which is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. What about Wikifarmer ? Similarly, it is a user created online farming library. Wikifarmer helps all farmers across the planet find valuable information regarding their existing or potential crops and livestock. The resource is designed to give practical solutions that can be applied by the average farmer. Wikifarmer is available in 8 languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Greek and Hindi. Users can...
  • Access Agriculture wins the Prize Digital for Development

    Access to Agriculture (a video platform with agricultural videos) won the ‘Digital for Development’ Prize. Access Agriculture was selected as the winner of ‘iStandOut’ category at the biannual Prize Digital for Development (D4D). Access to Agriculture seeks to promote innovations in sustainable agriculture and rural enterprises through capacity development and South-South exchange through farmer-to-farmer video trainings. In many countries, farmers use local languages (and cannot speak English, French or Spanish). Access agriculture has trained local partners to translate videos into their...
  • Abalobi, an app to help small-scale fishermen in South Africa monitor catches

    Abalobi, which is Xhosa name for fishermen, is as a mobile application for the small-scale fishermen to let them produce their own knowledge on fishing and build resilient communities in the face of climate change. There are currently 30,000 artisanal fishers along South Africa's coastline making their living from the sea and living on a thin line between commercial and subsistence fishing. The innovation of Abalobi is the fact that small-scale fishermen can record what they caught, when, where, using what method and how much they sold the fish for. All that information is stored in the app...
  • Radio Monsoon aims to ensure safety reigns among fishermen in south India

    In India’s southern state of Kerala, because of overfishing and climate change, fish stocks are rapidly decreasing. In order to catch more fish, fishermen are forced to go out into the open sea with their small boats, risking life especially during the monsoon season. Radio Monsoon radio station provides a low-tech forecast service to encourage 30,000 families to fish more safely. Radio Monsoon’s forecasts are disseminated through social media, loudspeakers placed in harbours and through a phone line supported by an internet server. The weather data is based on India’s Meteorological...
  • Fisher folk in Ghana to benefit from 'Tigo Fishers Network Initiative'

    The USAID’s Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) signed a partnership agreement with the Ghana Fisheries Commission and Tigo Ghana called "Tigo Fishers Network Initiative." which aims to provide fisher folk with tailored mobile solutions using Tigo platform. In Ghana, 10 per cent of the population work directly or indirectly in the fishing sector, which generates over one billion dollars in revenue annually and accounts for at least 4.5 per cent of Ghana's GDP. Photo Credits: stopillegalfishing.com Tigo Fisheries Network will provide fisher folk information access on best...
  • ICTforAg2017 Conference - New Technology for Smallholder Farmers

    ICTforAg2017 conference will bring together 300 thought leaders and decision-makers in agriculture and technology from the international development community and the private sector. With community-driven sessions, participants will examine how new innovations can empower smallholder farmers, and the communities that support them, through information and communication technologies (ICTs). The conference will take a particular interest in new ICT solutions that can boost the productivity of both smallholder farmers and agricultural value chains, keeping the discussion inclusive of all possible...
  • Nano Ganesh will be demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress

    Nano Ganesh - a mobile based remote control for water pumps and water tanks - developed by the Ossian Agro Automation , will be demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress , Barcelona, Spain, taking place from February 27th to March 2nd 2017. The electronic device will be part of the Mobile for Development in the Innovation City in the Mobile World Congress. GSMA has constructed a small grass plot irrigated by sprinklers controlled live by visitors with a mobile phone with the help of Nano Ganesh device. Nano Ganesh is a GSM Mobile based remote control system exclusively for the use with water...