
information management specialists News and Events


    Session Name: Connecting youth-led digital innovations to FAO and Partners’ Programmes in Africa Date: Monday, 07 September 2020 Time: 11:00 – 13:00 pm Venue: Virtual AGRF Channel Moderated by : Dickson Mbando Naftali, Head of Generation Africa Context: FAO and its patners seek to create a “Digital...

    Fostering an Enabling Ecosystem for Food and Agriculture through Digital Innovation at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) 2020 Time 14:00 - 15:00 CEST, Friday, 21 August 2020 REGISTER HERE On Friday 21 August, FAO, in collaboration with ITU and the Zhejiang University, will organize a Session on ‘ Digital Agriculture - Fostering an Enabling Ecosystem for Food and Agriculture through Digital Innovation ’- in the context of the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS+15) 2020 . The detailed program for session is available here . In a world where by 2050 there...
  • FAO and UNDP host the first virtual Digital Innovation Dialogue on Youth Digital Innovation Solutions for Food and Agriculture

    The 9th Session Digital Innovation Dialogue roadshows selected FAO innovation challenge winners and UNDP finalists of the Cultiv@te programme as teams pitch their solutions. 29 July 2020. Rome, Italy . The Food and Agriculture Organization in collaboration with UNDP Global Centre in Singapore hosted the first virtual Digital Innovation Dialogue on Youth Digital Innovation Solutions for Food and Agriculture online . The session presented a roadshow of eight teams selected from various challenges, for example, from FAO innovation challenge winners and UNDP finalists of the Cultiv@te programme...
  • Zoominar VIII: Innovation in social protection in response to COVID-19 in the NENA region: Building on best practices cases

    Background The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to spread throughout the Near East and North Africa (NENA) - Arab States region. The pandemic will have huge impacts on public health and represents already an unprecedented shock to economies, food systems and labour markets globally and in the NENA region, affecting rural poverty and resilience. It is estimated that an additional 8.3 million people in the region could fall into poverty. Given this broader impact, the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic require responses that go far beyond the health sector; including measures to assist...
  • Invitation to Launch KALRO Digital Platforms

    Attached please receive KALRO Digital Platforms Launch Webinar Invitation. Topic: KALRO Digital Platforms Launch By Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives: Hon. Peter G. Munya (MGH)Venue: KALRO Dairy Research Institute Naivasha, Kenya Date: 26th June 2020...
  • Zoominar VII on Role of Private Sector In the Use of Innovation & Technology to Support Smallholders Face COVID-19 Disruptive Impact

    Background As the world is still struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and its disruptive impact on agricultural value chain, the private sector and farmers in the Arab region are facing burdens on how to continue delivering along the agricultural value chain and ensure the continuity of supplies to consumers, for sustaining their livelihoods, from farm to fork. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) leads on this Zoominar session to highlight the role of the private sector in the use of innovation and technology and the potential role of the public-...
  • ITU-FAO Webinar on Fostering Digital Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia

    Virtual event (Webinar), 22/06/2020 - 22/06/2020 We are pleased to invite all stakeholders to the ITU-FAO webinar on fostering digital agriculture in Europe and Central Asia that will be held on 22 June from 10.00 to 11.00 a.m .​ It provides an opportunity to present results of the new study on the...
  • Duoduo Smart Agriculture Competition launched

    Artificial Intelligence VS Farmers: who can produce the best strawberries It’s man versus machine in a smart agriculture competition pitting top scientists and growers to see whether artificial intelligence or human experience will triumph in producing the best strawberries. The inaugural Duo Duo Smart Agriculture Competition, organized jointly by the China Agricultural University and Pinduoduo, will take place over four months in the plateau of Yunnan Province and see competitors from around the world come up with planting methods that are best suited for the local conditions, using either...
  • An evidence review of the proliferation of digital technology and data analytics in agriculture

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, and Cornell University are spearheading an evidence review of how the proliferation of digital technology and data analytics in agriculture is contributing to the lives of farmers and agricultural service providers in developing country economies. The study team will map, synthesize and describe existing literature to assess how digital agricultural services, delivered individually or as a bundle, act as facilitators and barriers towards achieving outcomes including resiliency, economic growth and sustainability, nutrition, and be inclusive of...