
information management specialists News and Events

  • Special Briefing on the Virtual Format and Programme

    WSIS Forum 2020: Open Consultation Process (OCP) Special briefing to all Stakeholders on the Virtual Format and Programme Date : Thursday, 28 May 2020 Time : 14:00 – 15:00 CEST Register to attend
  • USAID launches the agency-wide Digital Strategy

    USAID has released its first-ever Digital Strategy , charting an Agency-wide vision for development and humanitarian assistance in the world’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. Building on decades of leadership in digital development, the Strategy outlines USAID’s deliberate and holistic commitment to strengthen open, inclusive, and secure digital ecosystems in each country in which we work. These digital ecosystems are transforming how people worldwide gain access to information, goods, services, and opportunities; in today’s world, a country cannot achieve self-reliance without them. The...
  • Invitation to ZOOMINAR IV : Accelerating Digital Extension Advisory Services (DEAS) in post COVID-19 context

    BACKGROUND The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are providing policy recommendations, guidelines and tools to improve Extension Advisory Services (EAS) systems, in order to build resilience of smallholders to crises and disasters. As the world is currently struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and the farmers in countries including NENA region are facing dual burden i.e., inadequate health services coupled with timely extension services for sustaining their livelihoods. The digital disruption in EAS may define the...
  • The national digital agriculture strategy for Armenia is on its way, with FAO support

    Online consultation helps working group members discuss further steps and share opinion Yerevan, Armenia – An online consultation of the Ministry of Economy and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), held today, marks another step in the development of a national digital agriculture strategy for Armenia. The meeting aimed to introduce the digital agriculture framework, key findings of the situational analysis, and discuss and validate the priorities of the digital agriculture strategy. Participants included Deputy Minister of Economy Arman Khojoyan, Deputy Minister...
  • Invitation to the Digital Innovation Dialogue: Session 8 Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership

    2nd March 2020 14:30-16:00 hours (Rome Time – CET) FAO HQ – Lebanon Room (D209) Remote participation : http://fao.adobeconnect.com/digital_innovation8/ [ Reserve space ] Web streaming : http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5229/icode/ In 2019, CIO organized seven sessions of Digital Innovation Dialogue which saw more than 400 people participating. This 8th session is focusing on Farmer Digital Identity and Data Ownership and is the first Digital Innovation Dialogue in 2020. This Dialogue covers two important topics: (i) Farmer Digital Identity and (ii) Farmers' Data ownership , with a...
  • FAO hails first contribution to promoting digital agriculture through knowledge-sharing

    FAO's e-agriculture platform promotes dialogue and innovation in agriculture, now hosts China's 2019-25 development plan Technology has a growing role in agriculture. 7 February 2020, Rome - FAO today welcomes the sharing of China's digital agriculture plan on its e-agriculture platform. This contribution comes on the heels of the latest Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), where agriculture ministers of 71 nations welcomed the advancement in creating an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture. China's Development Plan for Digital Agriculture and Rural Areas (2019-2025...
  • Do we have to adapt extension approaches to the digital farming environment?

    The FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Crop Production and Agroecology is pleased to invite you to the following seminar: Do we have to adapt extension approaches tothe digital farming environment? Event Details Friday 21 February 2020 11:00 – 12:00 AM (Rome Time – CET) Ethiopia Room (C209) Join us online Please connect 10 minutes before the webinar starts to ensure the audio works properly . The challenges of food security and climate change are increasing the need to accelerate adoption of sustainable and effective management practices. Traditionally, farmers have received agronomic and...
  • 粮农组织赞扬以知识共享促数字农业发展的首次贡献

    粮农组织电子农业平台旨在促进沟通与创新,现已发布中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019—2025年)》 在近期召开的全球粮食和农业论坛(GFFA)上,71个国家的农业部长赞赏了建立国际粮食和农业数字化理事会的 相关工作进展 。2020年2月7日,粮农组织在其电子农业平台上发布了中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》,便于各界参阅分享。 中国《数字农业农村发展规划(2019-2025年)》已上线粮农组织 电子农业网站 。现有 英文 和 中文 两种版本。 粮农组织总干事屈冬玉表示:"数字化已成为农村转型的重要驱动力,为农民创造了新的机遇。感谢中国愿意在粮农组织的平台发布其国家规划,与世界分享经验和良好实践。希望其他国家也能加入进来,推动全球对话,促进数字农业发展。 "国际粮食及农业数字化理事会旨在提供粮食和农业领域数字化的战略性政策建议,分享最佳做法,交流各国观点和经验以促进国际合作,该理事会正在筹备中。 应2019年全球粮农组织会议上各国农业部长的要求,粮农组织和伙伴国际组织编写了设立理事会的 概念说明 ,之后该文件将交于粮农组织理事机构审批。数字化理事会将推动各方就规范达成共识,并最终降低成本、提高效率、缩小世界数字鸿沟。 宽带 进 村 粮农组织的电子农业平台发布中国国家规划仅是知识共享进程的第一步。该规划为技术和大数据的使用提供了指导方针和实施要点。例如,...
  • Invitation to Experience capitalization for continuous learning course

    This announcement is as published by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia Together with the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia will co-organize a blended learning programme on experience capitalization for continuous learning. Good practices and innovations need to be continuously documented, shared, adopted, adapted, and scaled up. Instead of reinventing the wheel, FAO and its partners have developed a learning course to facilitate this process. Already tested and validated, the blended learning programme consists...
  • Impacts of digitisation for agriculture

    ICT Update No. 93 published Over the last 20 years, the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has followed and reported on the changing landscape in ICTs for agriculture through the ICT Update . Last year, CTA published the Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report, 2018-2019 which advocated for the digital agricultural transformation that can feed the developing world, including Africa. ICT Update Issue 93 highlights This issue catalogues some projects and programmes CTA has done and how these are tackling the impacts of digitisation in agriculture. Some selected...