
stakeholders News and Events

  • International Symposium on Farmers' access to data

    On the 24th of November GFAR (Global Forum on Agricultural Research) has convened a syposium on farmers' rights and access to data in Johannesburg, South Africa. The event is co-funded by GODAN and CTA and organized by ITOCA . In order to learn more about the event or to register for the event, click here . During the symposium different angels of data access and data ownership will be adressed, specifically focussing on smallholder farmers. The fulll programme of the day is not yet available, but the announcement of the symposium gives us already a previeuw of some of the keynote speakers:...
  • Submit your “Call for good and promising practices for the region of Europe and Central Asia”

    Do you have a good and promising practices in agriculture? And you are in the Europe and Central Asia region? Then why not submit your good and promising practice before the 30th of November 2017. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the e-Agriculture Community of Practice (CoP) are launching a call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture in the region of Europe and Central Asia. The call aims at collecting lessons learned and recommendations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), also called digital technologies, for...
  • Research4Life Stories of Change: What you need to know about AGORA

    This blog is shared as published on AGORA website Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) is one of the four Research4Life programmes that provides free or low cost access to major scientific journals in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social sciences to public institutions in developing countries. AGORA was launched in October 2003 and today, after more than 14 years, it provides access to up to 8200 journals from the world’s leading academic publishers. AGORA is led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its goal is to...
  • Update e-Agriculture Learning Activity on drones - week 1

    Beginning Monday the 16th of October, e-Agriculture received 670 participants of the e-Agriculture learning activity on the use of drones in agriculture. On each respective day of this activity content is added and made available and can be accessed here . You can download the full programme for a global overview here . In review so far On Monday, October 16th we opened the activity with a general introduction and a live opening webinar, which was meant to give more information on how the activity is organized. The recording of the live webinar is available here . An experience capitalization...
  • 6th EU-Africa Business Forum

    6th EU-Africa Business Forum Date 27 November 2017 Location Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire Description The 6th EU‐Africa Business Forum (EABF) is aimed at increasing investments with development impact in Africa.With its overarching theme being "investing in job creation for youth", the Business Forum will...
  • Apply by October 20th to attend the 6th EU-Africa Business Forum on November 27th in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

    The European Commission is offering to cover the travel and accommodation costs of 50 EU and 50 African based digital entrepreneurs to showcase their services and technology during the 6th EU-Africa Business Forum , on November 27th in Abidjan. The selected entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to showcase their services and technology to investors and decision makers during a Startup Fair and attend a number of side events dedicated to entrepreneurship, digital economy, energy and agriculture. The deadline for submissions is October 20th. The arrival in Abidjan is scheduled on November...
  • ICT4Ag webinar: The new technologies that will achieve food security

    The ICT4Ag: The new technologies that will achieve food security, is part of an ongoing series around ICT4D, that is exploring new ICT innovations. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 6:00 AM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). The participants will discuss the challenges of acceptance and distribution of those technologies in agricultural programs. The expert panel will discuss which ICT technologies are more useful to each participan't project. The factors taken in consideration are: research and big data, push vs pull technologies and user-friendly designs and sustainability...
  • The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) celebrates 10 years

    The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) was launched in 2007 as a dialogue platform that cuts across borders and disciplines in support of a world free of food insecurity and malnutrition. On the 10th of October 2017, at the FAO headquarters, the FSN Forum team held a luncheon to celebrate the 10 year of existence. Today the FSN Forum stands as one of the most inclusive, multilingual platform that hosts discussions related to food security and nutrition issues. The FSN approach to online discussions have attracted a wider range of stakeholders and members from the civic...
  • ICT4D Conference

    ICT4D Conference Date 8-10 May 2018 Location Lusaka, Zambia Description The annual ICT4D Conference brings together public, private and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community. Participants share their good practices on innovations in...
  • 10th ICT4D Conference to be held in Lusaka, Zambia, on 8-10 May 2018

    The 10th ICT4D Conference led by CRS together with a Partner Consortium will take place in Lusaka, Zambia, from the 8th to the 10th of May 2018. The annual ICT4D Conference brings together public, private and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community. Participants share their good practices on innovations in technology in their development activities. More than 600 participants will be attending, among which IT/data managers, NGO representatives, civil society organizations, private sector companies, governmental agencies, research...