
stakeholders News and Events

  • CTA workshop on perspectives for ICT and Agribusiness in ACP countries: Start-up financing, 3D printing and blockchain

    This workshop, which will take place from 9 to 11 October 2017 in Rhenen, Netherlands, will discuss and identify key issues to improve access to capital for youth-led e-agriculture businesses and develop a better understanding of the perspectives of 3D printing and blockchain technology for the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) agricultural development sector. Three specific topics have been selected for this workshop. On the one hand, e-agriculture entrepreneurship has emerged as an important area of social entrepreneurship and agribusiness. Access to finance for...
  • Farmerline, the company with the mission to transform farmers into successful entrepreneurs

    Farmerline is a social software company with the mission to transform millions of farmers into successful entrepreneurs. Farmerline connects farmers to markets, finance, weather forecast, new farming tips, inputs dealers and equipment services. Farmerline has an information service that sends SMS and voice messages on weather forecasts, market prices, new farming techniques, agrochemical applications, and finance directly to the mobile phones of farmers in local languages. Through their mobile phones, farmers can also connect to global markets and buy farm inpunts and services. Farmers using...
  • ICT4Ag webinar: The new technologies that will achieve food security

    ICT4Ag: The New Technologies That Will Achieve Food Security Date Tue, October 17, 2017 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM PDT Description This webinar, ICT4Ag: The New Technologies That Will Achieve Food Security, is part of an ongoing series around ICT4D, that is exploring new ICT innovations. The participants...
  • Making ICTs work for farmers: Seven Case studies

    ICTs have a huge potential in imporving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the developing world, especially in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP). ICTs can give access to market and weather information, allow farmers to transfer money and negotiate prices with traders. Moreover, the use of mobile phones is rapidly incresing. But some obstacles remain, such as poor network connectivity in rural areas, non-existing information, or lack of technology knowledge by potential users. This article summarizes seven ICT4Ag projects developed in the context of CTA's ICT4Ag...
  • Stories from the field: Going to scale with ICTs for agriculture

    ICTs in agriculture have a huge potential: they can increase agricultural yields or help farmers get a fairer price for their produce. Farmers now have access to farm mapping, weather data, marketing tools, financial credit, advice from extension workers, and social networks thanks to SMS applications, mobile banking and satellite data. However, there are some limits to the reach of ICTs in rural areas: poor internet connectivity, high illiteracy rates and the inability of pilot projects to go to scale due to the lack of long-term funding or not having measures for their sustainability. This...
  • Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood

    Turning Data into Decisions in AgriFood Date Wednesday 22 November 2017 Location SCI, London, UK Description Harnessing the power of Big Data to generate new insights, practices and products is one of the key priorities of today's AgriFood supply chain. Numerous sensors and connected devices are...
  • How to enable smallholder farmers to use ICTs?

    In this blog post, Ajit Maru describes all the requirements an ICT product has to have to be usable for the farmer: the hardware, the software, connectivity, skills, content, security and safety in use, privacy and a profitable and productive environment. But, he points out, some problems can rise up: for example, in many countries women are frowned upon or even prohibited to have a smartphone. Another problem is the cost: for a smallholder farmer in India earning about INR 60.000 per year, a smartphone costs no less than INR 5.000, and connectivity costs around INR 100 per month. According...
  • The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

    The flagship report," The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017 " was launched on the 15th of September 2017 at FAO headquarters by FAO,IFAD, WFP, UNICEF and WHO, which marked an expanded partnership than the previous years. The major finding of the report is that after a prolonged decline, estimates indicate that global hunger increased in 2016 and affected 815 million people, and in some parts of the world hunger levels rose sharply - for example, with a famine declared in areas such as South Sudan in early 2017 and will alerts issued in northeast Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen...
  • Practicing the principles for digital development

    Practicing the principles for digital development Date Thu, October 12, 2017 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EAT Location Hyatt Regency, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Desciption The Principles for Digital Development are the distilled knowledge of hundreds of professionals and thousands of projects into nine best...